Friendly fighting?

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When I got back home, I found that everyone else was already their. I raised my eyebrows in question of why they were here.

"We finished early." Maria explained.

"Well then, we should go to the library to find a computer." I said excitedly.

"Okay!" Emily exclaimed. We all ran over to the library as fast as we could. When we arrived, we saw that there was only one open computer. I sprinted to it and threw myself down in the chair.

"Before you get started," Adrienne told me, "you'll have to have Maria create a link into our dimension."

"How do I do that?" Maria asked.

"You just wish it to happen." Adrienne replied.

"Okay then." Maria closed her eyes and screwed up her face in concentration. After a few seconds, I began to see my favorite manga reading website appear on the screen.

"Okay, what am I looking for?" Maria asked as she was now the one with control of the computer.

"Try the big add in the middle of the page that say 'Naruto Gaiden'" I replied in a voice as if I were talking to a two year old.

"Okay." She rolled clicked on the link and it took us to the chapter selection page.

"I can't believe we've missed ten whole chapters." Sam said in awe. "It hasn't been that long since the last time I checked."

"I still haven't finished the first 700 chapters, so I'm just going to another computer and finish that part." Kara awkwardly began walking away from us.

"Why does she always distance herself from people?" I asked Adrienne. In school she had a tendency to go away from me and Adrienne and sit in a corner by herself.

"I don't know." Adrienne responded. "It's weird."

"Is she being depressed again?" Maria asked us.

"What'd you mean?" Sam asked stupidly. "Whenever I saw her in school she was always being really loud and messing around with you two."

I sighed and put my hand on his should. "Just because you only choose to notice her when she's being loud, doesn't mean that she doesn't also spend lots of time distancing herself from us."

"Well, that not my fault." He said in an attempt to defend himself. He looked to Maria for support.

"She's got you there." Maria shrugged. I can't really help you." We all stood there awkwardly for a few moments before Emily suggested that we start reading.


After a few minutes of reading, I had started complaining that Kishimoto was messing with our ships. Maria told me that it would all be alright and that he wouldn't actually do that us. The rest of them kept reading and said nothing.

After a little bit more time, I looked and Maria "I told you so."

"Just wait." She responded. "He'll fix it."

At the end of the tenth chapter I looked at Maria. "Who's right?"

"Can't tell"

"Is it over?"

"Can't tell."


"It's over."

I stood there in silence. It was over. I don't know if that's good or bad. I'm sort of happy, but I don't want it to be over.

"It's not over." Sam said as if he was reading my mind. I don't think it was just my mind though. I think we were all thinking the same thing.

"What do you mean?" Maria asked.

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