Chapter 2

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Here's chapter 2, I hope you like it.

Davina's pov

Phil pulls up outside a nice white house "we're here" he says as he turns off the engine and we get out the car. I grab my duffel bag from the trunk, I didn't have a lot of clothes because I was held captive by an evil organization for 5 years. Anyway Phil kindly bought me some clothes which he didn't have too but he insisted on doing so, he's a good man.

I look to Phil who is already making his way up to the door so I follow after him with my duffel bag strung over my shoulder. As we reach the door, I look around at the neighbourhood seeing kids playing outside on the street, I smile sadly at the sight. I never got to do any of that as a child in Sokovia nor did my siblings, mostly because it wasn't safe and because my Aunt Karine didn't like us going outside. 

I turn away as Phil knocks on the door which is soon opened by a woman in a black cop uniform with short blonde hair "Phil Coulson, long time no see" she says with a smile "Elizabeth Forbes" Phil responds "come in" she says stepping aside and Phil enters. I hesitantly enter after him and Elizabeth shuts the door behind me.

"Let's head into the living room and talk" she suggests "that would be wise" Phil responds and we follow her into a room with cream coloured sofa's and white walls. 

Phil and Elizabeth sit down as I awkwardly stand around "it's okay, you can sit down" Elizabeth says to me flashing me a smile. I nod and sit down "so you must be Davina" she says and I just nod. "Phil told me all about you" she says making me look at Phil "she can be trusted, Elizabeth was a Shield agent, she's kind, strong and loyal" he assures me making me look back at her.

"You worked at Shield?" I ask my thick sokovian accent coming out "yeah I did" she responds with a smile "she was one of Shield's best agents" Phil explains "why'd you leave Shield?" I ask "I had a daughter and I wanted to be as close to her as possible and well it wasn't really safe for me to keep working at Shield when I had a child" she explains making me nod.

"We should discuss the alibi" Phil says making me look at me "what alibi?" I ask "an alibi as to why you're here" he responds "Mystic Falls don't get many foreign visitors travelling through here especially from places like Russia or Sokovia" Elizabeth explains "so your alibi is you're a foreign exchange student from Russia and you'll be staying with Elizabeth for a couple weeks or months" Phil explains making me nod. "Also please keep a down low while you're here and try not to use your powers" he says making me frown "what if I have to use them to defend myself?" I ask "then use your hands to defend yourself, only use your powers as a last resort" he responds.

"Okay" I respond "I will be making frequent drops in to see how you're doing and I'll inform you of any progress with finding your siblings" Phil explains "okay, thank you" I respond making him nod. "You're welcome, now I must be leaving. The Director wants me back at base pronto" he replies as he stands up "good luck Coulson, I'll see you soon" Elizabeth says as she stands up and shakes his hand "you too Elizabeth" Phil replies before Elizabeth walks him out the room and out of the house.

I soon hear him drive off and the front door shuts, Elizabeth soon reappears "so do you want me to show you to your room?" she asks "if it's not too much" I respond she smiles and motions me to follow her upstairs so I grab my bag and follow her.

I follow her upstairs to a room "this is my daughters room, you'll be sharing with her" she explains making me nod "thank you" I respond as I enter the room, seeing a second bed in the room right by the window. I walk over to the bed by the window and sit down, placing my bag down on the floor "my daughter will be home soon, you'll be going to school with her and I'll have her show you around" she explains "thanks Elizabeth" I respond "please call me Liz" she replies before walking away, leaving me alone.

I back up on the bed and bring my legs up on the bed, bringing my knees to my chest as I wrap my arms around my knees and look out the window, watching the trees and the few people walking by.


2 hours later....

No one's pov

Caroline arrives home after hanging out with the gang at the Mystic Grill, it was late and she had school tomorrow plus her mom wanted her home tonight. Caroline was supposed to spend the previous night at her now ex-boyfriend Tyler's house but they got in a fight and broke up so she stayed at Bonnie's house instead. 

Caroline walked through the front door and headed up to her room, her mom had been out in the garden so she didn't hear Caroline arrive home.

Caroline made her way to her bedroom and pushed the door open only to stop in her tracks upon finding there was now suddenly a second bed in her room and there was an unknown girl sleeping in the bed. "Mom!" she yelled startling Davina awake as Caroline stormed out the room, slamming the door behind her.

Davina frowned as she got up off the bed and walked out the bed room "mom where are you?!" Caroline yelled as Liz entered the house through the back door "I heard you from outside now what's with the yelling?" she asked as she walked up to her daughter.

"Why is there some girl sleeping in my room?" Caroline asked making Liz pause "so you've met Davina?" she asked "is that her name? Why is she here?" Caroline asked "Davina is participating in a foreign exchange program, she's going to be attending your school for the next few weeks or months and she'll be staying with us" Liz explained "okay but why is she in my room?" she asked "because you're sharing your room with her" she replied making Caroline scoff.

"No I think not, it's my room and I don't want some stranger sleeping in my room. She could be a serial killer for all we know" Caroline rambled "I can sleep on the couch if you want" Davina spoke up from behind them making them turn to face her. "I'm okay with that" Caroline replied "well I'm not, Davina you're sleeping in Caroline's room and that's final. Caroline you need to be more welcoming" Liz responded giving her daughter a look making her sigh.

"Fine, if she's gonna stay then she needs to know the rules in this house" Caroline replied turning around and walking up to Davina who backed away. "Rule number 1 don't touch my stuff, rule number 2 don't talk to me and rule number 3 stay clear of me and my friends at school" she said making Davina nod and bow her head before she quickly left the room.

"Caroline!" Liz snapped making Caroline turn to face her "what?" she asked "there's no need to be so mean and also you'll be showing Davina around the school tomorrow" Liz replied making Caroline's mouth drop open "seriously mom?!" she snapped "yes seriously now stop arguing because I'm not going to change my mind and the next time you see Davina be nice to her" Liz said before walking away, leaving Caroline on her own.

End of chapter

Davina is staying with the Forbes. Liz use to be a Shield agent before Caroline was born. Caroline was very rude to Davina but she won't stay that way towards her, she will gradually start being nice to her. What will happen next?

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