Chapter 33

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Two days later...

No one's pov

Phil Coulson finally makes it to Mystic Falls after a very long drive, he had to take a long route just in case anyone tried to follow him. He knew Maria Hill had stuck a tracker on him before he left and he of course took it off and ditched it so they won't know where he went.

He kept receiving updates from Maria Hill about the incident that happened, a lot of SHIELD agents were hurt, luckily there weren't any casualties. Nick Fury had returned and was furious at what had happened, he wanted answers which no one could fully give other than they were attacked by two unknown enhanced individuals, something which would of course peak Nick Fury's interest but it would also make him extremely paranoid about what they were after and most importantly who could've sent them.

Phil came to a stop outside the Forbes residence and he sighed before getting out the car. He hadn't called Liz to inform her of his arrival so she would be surprised to see him.

He made his way up the drive way to the front door and knocked on the door, he took a step back after that and just waited for someone to answer.

He saw someone approaching but it wasn't Liz but a brunette. The girl frowned before opening the door "um, hello? Caroline, there's a guy in a suit at the door and it's not Elijah" the girl called over her shoulder "if it's a salesman, tell him to beat it. We're not interested in whatever he's selling" Caroline replied back.

"I'm not here to sell anything. I'm Phill Coulson, an old friend of Liz Forbes and it's important I speak with her as soon as possible" he explained "are you the person in charge of this student exchange with Davina?" she questioned folding her arms.

"Sort of, I'm kind of her support worker. I placed her in Liz Forbes care while she studies here" he explained before Caroline appeared behind her "ohh, it's you. Are you here to take Davina back?" she asked and Elena gave her a nudge along with a look.

"I didn't mean it like that. Um, my mom's at work right now" Caroline stated making Phil nod "I see, well I shall come back when your mother's back. Is Davina or her brother here?" he asked "no, they're out at the moment" Elena answered making Phil nod "very well. It was a pleasure meeting you girls, have a good day" he said before turning and walking away.

"Wonder what he wants to talk to your mother about?" Elena questioned "it's likely something to do with Davina. I hope he takes her back" Caroline retorted making Elena sigh as she shut the door "what do you have against Davina other than she doesn't listen to what you say or care about what we have to say about the Mikaelson's" Elena said turning to Caroline.

"There's just something off about her, okay? My mother knows something and she refuses to tell me" Caroline explained "then why don't we just find out for ourselves?" Elena suggested "I don't want to go behind my mothers back. She's helping Davina and her brother, I can't fault that" Caroline replied with a sigh "yeah but you want to know about her, right? If you think something's off about her then find out, you deserve to know what kind of person your mom let into your house and who you go to school with" Elena tried to persuade "I don't want to be the person that invades someone's personal information" Caroline responded shaking her head.

"You don't have too, I can look into the matter for you. I have a knack of finding out things, I mean look at how I managed to get information out of Katherine and Rose about Klaus, I even managed to get information out of Elijah. If you want to know who Davina is then I can find out for you and if it comes out she is a bad person then we will deal with it" Elena assured her "fine but just be discreet. If my mom finds out, you're trying to investigate Davina then she won't be happy. She's particularly protective of Davina and her brother which is a little annoying because they're not her children, I'm her daughter" Caroline slightly ranted needless to say, she was sort of jealous at how much her mother seemed to care about Davina and Arlo and their wellbeing.

Elena simply placed a hand on her shoulder "no one will find out, this is just between me and you. Whatever I find out, will stay between us" she assured her making Caroline nod before they headed upstairs to her room.

End of chapter

Hi guys, so this was a quick one but I promise the next one will be longer. Phil is back in town, apparently Maria stuck a tracker on him but he figured it out and ditched the tracker. Elena met Phil. Caroline wants to know more about Davina but doesn't want to go behind her moms back so Elena is going to do some investigating for her. Will they find out or will someone realize what they're up to and confront them. What will happen next?

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