Chapter 37

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With Wanda and Pietro

No one's pov

Wanda and Pietro had spent days hiding after they broke into SHIELD's New York base, for a while they just watched SHIELD agents from the shadows to see what they would do or if they could learn something about their sister before moving onto the other SHIELD bases to search there.

They lost interest in most of the agents but Agent Hill and Nick Fury caught their attention. They were ones to keep an eye on as they seemed to know more than they led on or least Agent Hill did, they often heard her talking about some man named Phil and trying to get hold of the man that was apparently away.

Fury was also trying to get hold of Phil, he seemed agitated and frustrated with the man, from what the twins learned he had removed his tracking and was purposely avoiding them, not only that but he wasn't cooperating with what Fury wanted.

Wanda and Pietro got fed up of watching the two agents before finally leaving and heading for the next base as they knew they were on limited time.

They had reached the second base within a day and instead of attacking the building straight away, they waited and watched as the agents and scientists went about their day, minding their own business until Wanda and Pietro snook up on two unsuspecting agents outside the base and knocked them out, stole their clothes and put them on, they also took their ID key cards that would allow them access to all areas of the building.

They hid the agents in a bush before making their way inside, acting casual to not give anything away "don't waste time. I want results, find your sister" Strucker demanded in their ears making them roll their eyes. All he had done, was nag them constantly and they were fed up of hearing his voice.

Wanda and Pietro made their way into the control room of the base "maybe we can find something here" Pietro stated as they walked over to two empty computers and sat down. Pietro tried to log in but was blocked as it needed a passcode to get in and Pietro didn't know what it was.

"You're just going to have to guess" Wanda stated before typing at the keyboard typing random letters or numbers before pressing enter only for it to be invalid "well that's clearly not it" Pietro stated before trying a different code only for it to be wrong.

Suddenly the control room doors opened "Agent Coulson, what brings you here?" one agent asked making the twins perk their heads up "just came to drop off something" Coulson replied to the agent and the twins slightly looked back just enough to get a glimpse at him before turning away.

"He works at the other base we just attacked, I saw his picture on the system when I was looking to see if there was any information about our sister. His name is Phil, maybe he's the Phil those two agents were talking about" Wanda whispered to Pietro "was he there the day of the attack?" Pietro whispered back "I don't know, I don't recall seeing him" Wanda replied with a frown.

"Where are you headed?" the agent asked "back to the base" Coulson replied before leaving the control room "come on" Wanda stated grabbing Pietro by the arm and pulling him up "what about hacking in to the data base for information?" Pietro questioned making Wanda stop and turn to him "we have better luck finding information by following him" Wanda explained before pulling him along.

They discreetly followed Coulson through the base, keeping a safe distance from him to avoid being caught and they also didn't want to be too obvious that they were following him.

Meanwhile back in Mystic Falls..

No one's pov

Davina was currently sat in History along with her class mates. She was listening to Alaric wittering on and on about the topic they were currently learning and taking notes but she was getting very bored. Davina was usually fascinated by History but Alaric was so boring at times and he was very annoying to listen too and she wished he would just shut up.

Beautiful chaos (Kolvina)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora