Chapter 31

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New York....

No one's pov

At the secret Shield base in New York. Agents and workers were quietly going about their day, chatting amongst their collogues and looking over missions that field agents were currently out on.

Agent Phil Coulson was in a meeting with Maria Hill "Fury will be leaving the base in New Mexico later today and will arrive here tomorrow. He wishes to speak to you" Maria stated making Phil raise an eyebrow. 

"About what?" he asked making her sigh "he caught wind of what happened on your mission in Sokovia. He knows about the girl you brought back" Maria explained folding her arms over her chest. "He wants to know why you made the decision to bring her back and why you didn't keep her here for surveillance" she explained further making Phil furrow his eyebrows.

"Because she's just a kid who had gone through a traumatic experience and I didn't want to add to that trauma by locking her up to be studied and judged. She's a good kid Maria" he replied defending his decision and the girl.

"Yeah, a kid who can make the earth quake and burn buildings to the ground" Maria stated as she pulled up some footage of Davina which showed her firing at the Hydra base, she escaped from and blowing it up.

"She was afraid, Maria. Are you really gonna judge a kid after she escaped the hands of hydra?" Phil questioned as he stood to his feet "come on, Coulson. Do you really believe hydra are still at large? They were taken out decades ago. Hydra is gone and you need to remember that, not let some confused kid make you think otherwise" Maria stated shaking her head. She was indenial that hydra were still around, she didn't believe it.

"You didn't see the state she was in, Maria. I believe her and she's not confused. I don't think it's too hard to believe that somehow, Hydra survived after the fall of red skull and the defeat of Dr Zola. They aren't the type of organization that would simply allow themselves to fade from existence" he replied "so you think they've been hiding in plain sight, all this time?" Maria questioned making Phil nod.

"I do and you need to rely that information to Fury" Phil stated but Maria shook her head "not without proof. You know Fury won't believe it unless he sees it for his own eyes" she replied "don't you mean own eye?" he retorted with a smile, indicating he was joking referring to the fact Fury has one good eye. Maria just gave him a dead pan look making him clear his throat "sorry" he apologized looking away.

"Now going back to the girl. Where is she?" Maria asked "I'm afraid, I can't tell you that information. I promised to protect her and as much as I do trust and respect you Maria. I don't trust you enough to go running to Fury with this information. I don't want him going and retrieving her when she's supposed to stay hidden for her own protection" Phil explained "for her own protection? Let me guess, in case Hydra come for her?" Maria questioned making him nod.

"Yes, if they are still afoot. They could come for her which is why I placed her under the protection of a trusted friend, who I will not tell you the name of. Now let's move on from this....." Phil started when suddenly there was a loud bang and the building shook making them exchange looks before Maria withdrew her gun from her gun holster as did Phil.

They exited the office and looked left and right to see, Shield scientists and computer analysts running up and down the halls screaming in terror. They saw Agents running in the opposite direction, obviously heading to investigate the problem.

Maria and Phil looked at each other before following after the other agents. Only to see four agents be sent flying back down the hall, one of which went through a wall. Maria walked over to one of them and helped them up "what's going on, Marty?" Maria asked "t-there's intruders. The alarm was disabled so we didn't know they entered until the blast went off" Marty explained "did you get a good look at them?" Phil asked and Marty nodded "they were teenagers. A boy and a girl. The boy had whitish hair and he was fast while the girl had reddish hair and she has freaky powers, I think telekinesis which she used to throw us back but she also has some other power, her eyes glowed red" Marty explained doing hand gestures as he explained.

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