Chapter 25

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In Sokovia...

No one's pov

Strucker was sat in his office overseeing some paper work over the latest experiments they had conducted over the last few days, his eyebrows were furrowed and he was gripping his pen a tad bit too hard until it broke in his hand getting ink all over his hand making him sigh.

He grabbed a handkerchief and wiped his hand when suddenly there was a knock at the door "come in" he said as he set the handkerchief down and removed his eye lens to wipe it. He heard the office door opening but didn't turn around "Strucker?" a voice spoke making him finally turn around and he popped his eye lens back on as he saw the Hydra soldier he had given a special mission too standing in the doorway.

"Ah, I've been wondering where you got too. How did your mission go for the girl?" he questioned making the soldier look down "not so good. I hacked into many CCTV footage to try and find where subject 269 has been but there was nothing. I expect subject 269 had simply vanished through the woods" the soldier spoke making Strucker instantly sigh in disappointment.

"However I haven't come up completely empty handed. I found a report from a concerned citizen to the police on the day the other base fell, the report was from a woman who had been walking by the woods when a startled girl looking very disheveled ran out and accidently bumped into her, she ran from the woman after apologizing " the soldier explained "yes, that likely could've been subject 269. Did this report say anything else regarding this girl?" Strucker asked "the woman claimed the girl had dark purple hair" he replied "that must've of been the girl. Did you find anything else" Strucker questioned he was disappointed with the outcome, he expected to have the girl in his clutches.

 "Yes I found out SHIELD were in the country on the day" he added making Strucker "that is odd that SHIELD was here. Our brothers on the inside of SHIELD did not inform me of this" Strucker replied "perhaps they weren't part of the team who came here and they weren't notified but sir what if SHIELD ran into subject 269?" the soldier pondered making Strucker pause as he went to stand up.

"Then they would've taken her in, a person like that they wouldn't just let someone like that slip away and in which case that could spell trouble for us especially if we don't know who was here and none of our brothers knew about it. If SHIELD got their hands on her, they could make her their weapon and we cannot have that" Strucker stated shaking his head "so what are you going to do about it sir?" the soldier asked "I'm going to send a small group of soldiers to America with the task of retrieving subject 269" Strucker replied "why don't you just ask our brothers in SHIELD to bring her to us?" the soldier questioned "doing that could risk exposing them so I can't. I will however ask them regarding who was on this team and what they were doing here" Strucker explained before turning away.

"Now leave me, I'm late for my lunch and I cannot dawdle any longer, the next experiment is due to be taken very soon. Go make sure the twins are ready, I cannot have anymore delays" Strucker demanded "yes sir" the soldier replied before leaving the room and Strucker sighed as he stared through the large glass window and down at the twins who were both in their containers, both looked exhausted and pissed off to hell after their last experiment but that didn't bother Strucker. He wanted results and he was going to get them so they could learn how to control these siblings and just then an idea sprung to mind making him grin.

Perhaps he could control them with the potential knowledge that SHIELD has their sister and that they're holding her against her will but then again that could easily fall apart if they do find their sister and learn the truth through her however Strucker could just tell them that she's been brainwashed by SHIELD. Oh, decisions, decisions....

End of chapter

Sorry I know it's short but that's all I could do for now as I am really tired after a long day. Anyway I do hope you liked it. I want to start kicking things up a bit so here you are. What did you think? 

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