Chapter 5

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Continues from previous chapter....

Davina's pov

My mouth drops as Caroline pulls up outside this massive white mansion "wow this place is nice" I comment "yeah but the people who live here not so much" Elena replies as we all get out the car. "Why who lives here?" I ask "the Mikaelson's and you should avoid them at all costs because they are bad news" Elena advises making me frown. "Well if they're bad news then why are we going to their party?" I ask confused "because it's kind of customary to go to a party when you've been invited and pretty much the whole town have been invited so we couldn't turn it down, now if you happen to see any of them just play nice" Caroline explains as we head into the house to see a lot of people already here.

There is music booming around the house, people are dancing and drinking everywhere. There's even a few couples making out against the wall and the party has only just started. "I'm gonna find Damon" Elena says before walking away "who's Damon?" I ask looking at Bonnie and Caroline "he's a friend" Bonnie replies but I can't help but sense she hesitated there "are you sure because you didn't sound sure?" I ask making her sigh. "It's complicated Elena is currently dating Damon's brother however she kind of has feelings for Damon and he has feelings for her so it's very complicated" she explains "wow, sounds like a love triangle to me" I respond "that's what it is now let's not talk about Elena's disastrous love life and let's have fun" Caroline says grabbing Bonnie by the wrist and pulling her along, leaving me alone. 

"I guess I will just have fun by myself" I mumble to myself before making my way over to the beverage table to get myself a drink.

I reach the table and see there are only alcoholic drinks being served so I just pour myself some punch which looks nice, I just hope it tastes nice. Once I've filled my cup halfway and I lift it to my lips to take a sip "wow that's actually nice" I mutter to myself before walking away from the table and I just stop and sort of just stand watching everyone around me.

I feel out of place as I don't really know anyone besides Caroline, Bonnie and Elena but they ditched me to go see whoever and do whatever leaving me on my own. So I decide to just venture outside where there are only a few people which is perfect for me.

I make my way over to the bench swing and sit down, crossing my ankles over the other as I quietly sip on my drink of punch.

No one's pov

Half an hour into the party everyone was dancing, drinking or making out with someone. Music was booming through the house and laughter could be heard from inside.

Caroline was having fun dancing with Bonnie while Elena was talking with Damon who was keeping an eye on the Mikaelson's as he was wary of the originals and didn't trust them one bit.

Rebekah was making out with Matt Donovan in secret of course, his friends would have a field day if they caught him making out with barbie Klaus as Damon nicknamed her. Stefan was quietly brooding in a corner, sulking over his situation with Elena.

Klaus was stood on the top of the stairs observing the party scene, his eyes scanning over each individual person. He eyed Elena with a smirk as she openly flirted with Damon which Stefan noticed which made him sulk even more.

Elijah made his way up to Klaus and placed his hand on his shoulder "have you seen our sister?" he asks moving his hand away from his brothers shoulder "I saw her sneak off somewhere with the bust boy" Klaus replied with a smirk "and you didn't stop her? That's a first" Elijah retorted Klaus shrugged "I decided to let her have a bit of fun as it's a party after all" he replied making Elijah sigh as he looked on to the crowd seeing their younger brother Kol make his way outside.

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