Chapter 6

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Here's chapter 6, I hope you like it and please don't forget to vote and comment I want to know what you think of the story.

Davina's pov

The journey back to the house was silent and it wasn't a comfortable silence, I could feel Caroline's anger but I didn't dare mention it as I didn't really want to get all up in her ass because she's pissed off at me. Yeah so what if I made out with someone she apparently deemed bad news, I didn't know she was referring to him plus I know nothing about him so I can't judge him based on what Caroline says about him and his family.

The second we get home and walk through the door she explodes "you are so stupid! What were you thinking making out with a guy you barely know!" she snaps and I just calmly walk past her into the kitchen. "He was cute and we had a good time talking plus I may have had a few drinks" I respond as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"That guy is trouble so stay away from him, okay? I'm being nice by giving you a warning since you clearly can't make smart decisions" she says making me snort "really? Because it sounds more like you're trying to tell me what to do and I don't like that, also I'm very capable of making smart decisions" I respond before walking out the kitchen, ignoring her nagging about why I should listen to her and why it was very bad of me to make out with Kol but I don't give care what she says. I'm capable of forming my own opinions of people and I can hang out with whoever I want and nobody will tell me what to do. I spent years being told what to do by Hydra soldiers and I vowed never to let anyone boss me around ever again.

Caroline eventually sees that I'm not listening to her so she scoffs "fine do what you want but just know you have a death wish and you will end up dead if you get involved with the Mikaelsons" she says and I politely present her with my middle finger aka the bird and smile "thank you for the concern but I can take care of myself" I say before heading up to the bathroom as I leave a stunned Caroline standing at the bottom of the stairs.

Meanwhile with Kol.....

Kol's pov

After Caroline dragged Davina away scolding her about making out with me, I decided to retire from the party just as Elena was starting to throw a bitch fit about something which resulted in my sister giving her a big slap across the face which was very entertaining to see but I didn't want to stick around at the party anymore.

On my way to my room, I grabbed a random girl and compelled her to follow me and led her to my room. "Why did you bring me here?" the girl asks "because I'm hungry" I respond before vamp speeding at her, pressing her against the wall and sinking my fangs into her neck making her cry out in pain.

I cover her mouth with my hand as I drink from her neck, once I've decided I've had enough I pull back just as her heart is starting to slow down. I can't kill her because my siblings have a no killing rule because of this truce with the scooby doo gang.

I feed the girl some of my blood before compelling her to forget what happened and leave, I close the door behind her and lock it before going over to my bed and lying down as I start thinking about the pretty foreign girl with red hair and stunning blue eyes and a drop dead gorgeous body, Davina. God she was so hot and I just wanted to rip her clothes off and kiss and caress her body and make her scream in pleasure. I would have too if it weren't for Caroline interrupting us, damn her.

She was also really adorable, she looked so breathtaking when I saw her sat outside on the bench swing. I don't know how one could simply look adorable by simply sitting on a bench swing and sipping punch as the wind blows through her hair but she did so of course I had to talk to her and when she opened her mouth and I heard her accent I'm not gonna lie but I felt my pants tighten a little and that is baffling because I've never gotten turned on by a girl simply by her accent but Davina has a sexy accent but hey so do I which would make us a good couple and if I could have kids imagine how adorable they would sound with either of our accents, we'd make some adorable babies. Wait what? What the bloody hell am I thinking? I barely know this girl aside from what I learned about her when we talked a bit. She's just some girl I had a good time talking, dancing and making out with but there is something about her. I felt a connection to her for some reason, I felt comfortable around and told her things I've never told anyone else.

I shake the thoughts from my mind, not really wanting to think anything of it and I listen out to the sound of music playing and people talking, laughing and dancing. I can also hear some couple getting it on somewhere in the house, I have no idea where though but I don't care as it's none of my business. 

A little fed up with the party, I decide to head out for a bit to get some peace and quiet as I'm increasingly growing annoyed at the noise.

End of chapter.

What did you think? Kol was thinking about how gorgeous Davina was along with her accent. Caroline is on Davina's case about her making out with a Mikaelson but Davina couldn't give a damn what she says or thinks. What will happen next?

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