Chapter 24

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Warning contains a little sexual content....

Continues from previous chapter...

Kol's pov

I reach downstairs where my brother is screaming his head off "would you bloody stop yelling? I'm here" I say with a glare "why are you bloody yelling?!" Rebekah snaps as she appears glaring at him "we need to leave" he says making me and Rebekah glance at each other before looking back at him.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask with my arms folded "we need to leave" he says "and do tell us why? I'm not bloody going anywhere unless I know why and what for" Rebekah retorts making Klaus scowl and sigh as he rubs his forehead before looking at us.

"I've lost someone that I need to find, it's vital so we need to leave" he says making me scoff "is this about Hayley?" I ask "who the bloody hell is Hayley?" Rebekah asks making me look at Klaus "you haven't told her have you? And I'm guessing if you haven't told her then you certainly haven't told Elijah" I say making him avoid my gaze "told me what?" Rebekah asks looking between us.

"Klaus knocked up some wolf" I respond making her eyes widen "I'm sorry what?! How even is that possible?" she asks bewildered "he's part werewolf remember? That part of him allowed him to reproduce" I explain "how come I never knew about this?" she asks looking at Klaus.

"I wanted to wait for the right time to tell you" Klaus replies making me snort "what a load of bollocks. You didn't tell her because you don't trust any of us" I retort "then how come you know about this?" Rebekah questions looking at me "I only know because I got suspicious about all his disappearing acts so I started tracking him and that's how I learned about Hayley, she's also the girl who slept with Tyler to get between him and Caroling as that's what Klaus sent her to do" I explain "oh great so you knocked up a whore?" Rebekah questions "we were drunk" Klaus defends making her scoff "you probably planned to screw her before you got drunk, it doesn't take you a lot to fuck a woman" Rebekah retorts making him roll his eyes.

"Look she's gone missing and I need to find her, her safety is my priority right now" he says "only because of the baby. I'll help you look for her but I'm not leaving" Rebekah says "neither am I. I would actually like to stay but I will help find Hayley since she carries my niece or nephew" I say making him huff "fine as long as you help me that's all that matters" he says luckily deciding not to argue about the matter.

"I believe a witch is involved in her going missing so I need a witch to help us and Kol since you have a way with witches. I want you to go and seduce Bonnie, try and get her to help us" he says making me scoff "fuck off. I'm not doing that, I have a girlfriend now and I'm not going to jeopardize my relationship just for your sake" I retort "just charm her a little? You don't have to sleep with her" he says "I'm not doing it Klaus, so you better come up with another idea that doesn't involve me sabotaging my relationship for you" I retort with my arms folded before I vamp speed away.

I get upstairs and find Davina outside my bedroom, leaning against the wall with her arms folded. She gives me a small soft smile "should I even ask?" she asks making me chuckle slightly as I walk over to her and pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her "don't worry about it" I say planting a kiss on her forehead as I hear Rebekah and Klaus bicker downstairs before a door slams making Davina tense up before quickly relaxing as I rub her back.

"Come on let's go lie down" I say pulling away to grab her hand as I open my bedroom door and we walk in, I shut the door behind me and we walk over to my bed. "I don't want to lie down" Davina says before pushing me down and straddling me before I could comprehend it until her lips are against mine. 

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