Chapter 10

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Davina's pov

Rebekah pulls up outside the Forbes house and I head inside to be greeted by Liz "hey Davina where were you?" she asks "oh I was with my friend Rebekah" I respond "Rebekah? As in Rebekah Mikaelson?" she asks making me nod "yes" I respond and her eyes widen. "Sweetheart I don't think you should be hanging around her" she says making me frown "why? Because your daughter and a few others have beef with her? Look I understand they have issues with Rebekah and her family but I don't and I want to be able to form my own judgements of people and not judge based off what other people tell me" I respond making her sigh.

"Just be careful okay?" she says making me sigh in relief that she's not going to force me to do as she says "I will, thank you" I respond giving her a hug before heading upstairs to pack an overnight bag.


Once I've packed my bag I head downstairs just as Caroline walks through the front door "mom why is Rebekah waiting outside our house?" she asks "because she's waiting for me, I'm having a sleepover at her house" I speak up as I step off the stairs. "Why? I thought I told you to stay away from the Mikaelson's" she says with her arms folded "you did but I don't care. Rebekah is my friend whether you like it or not" I respond "fine just don't go jumping into bed with Kol okay?" she says making me shrug. "If I want to jump into bed with him I will and nobody will stop me" I respond as I bid Liz goodbye before walking out the house.

I walk over to the car and get in "oh good you made it out, I thought Caroline was going to hold you hostage to prevent you coming with me" she jokes making me stifle a laugh. "No after I told her what I was doing and that you're my friend whether she likes it or not, she just told me not to jump into bed with your brother" I say making her snort "and why is your sex life anything to do with her?" she retorts "I know right so I told her that if I want to jump into bed with your brother I will and nobody will stop me" I respond making her smirk "go tiger" she teases nudging me with her elbow as she pulls away from the street and drives off.


We arrive back at her house and head inside to find Kol and Klaus arguing with Elijah standing between them trying to defuse the situation. "Both of you be quiet and sit down" Elijah orders pushing each of them by the chest with his hands "Elijah he's going to open a can of worms that needs to be left alone" Kol says glaring at Klaus, they haven't yet noticed me and Rebekah standing in the doorway.

"It's a load of nonsense what you speak, I need to find that cure for Elena so I can make more hybrids!" Klaus barks making me frown "fuck your hybrids!" Kol snaps "I need my hybrids, I need an army to protect us from our enemies!" Klaus yells "and whose fault is it that we have so many damn enemies? Certainly not mine, Elijah or Rebekah's, it's your fault as bloody usual!" Kol yells "move out of the way Elijah so I can dagger him!" Klaus fumes with an angry look on his face "if you come anywhere near me with that blasted dagger, I will snap your neck!" Kol seethes his chest heaving with anger clear on his face "both of you bloody shut up!" Rebekah snaps making them stop and look our way, their eyes widen as they see me.

"Rebekah how long have you two been standing there?" Klaus asks with a glare "long enough to know you're both clearly being arseholes as per usual" she retorts and he suddenly snaps his head towards me. "You! You heard what we said! You will not tell anyone!" he snaps pointing at me "you will be made to forget" he says taking a step forward but Kol suddenly appears in front of me a few metres away, blocking me from Klaus's view "you will not touch her!" he snaps with his fists clenched and I'm so confused, baffled and a little turned on oddly enough.

"Why are you so quick to shield her from me?" Klaus growls my eyes widen as his eyes flash yellow and he looks like he's about to lash out when suddenly Rebekah disappears from my side and flashes over to him, snapping his neck making him drop to the floor.

"Sorry brother but I know that look and I won't let you hurt my friend" Rebekah apologises flipping her hair over her shoulder "Rebekah!" Kol hisses and they suddenly look my way "you people aren't normal nor is this town is it?" I ask making them frown at my rather calm expression and reaction following watching Rebekah flash from side of the room to another within a blink of an eye and snapping her brothers neck.

End of chapter

I know this chapter was rather short but I wanted to end it on that note plus the next chapter will be longer. Kol and Klaus were arguing over the cure and Davina heard and witnessed it. Klaus looked like he was about to lash out at Davina because Kol blocked her from him after he snapped at her. Rebekah snapped Klaus's neck in front of Davina and the Mikaelson's are shocked by Davina's not so surprised reaction. What will happen next?

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