Chapter 14

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3 weeks later.....

Davina's pov

I've now been in Mystic Falls for 3 and a half weeks now and things are okay. Caroline isn't so much of a bitch anymore but she does still have a tendency to be bossy and snappy, Elena and Bonnie are nice but I can't help but feel they are faking being nice around me just because Caroline makes me hang out with them although I tend to sneak off.

I hang out with Rebekah a lot, I consider her a friend and she's been really nice to me. Sure she is a bitch towards Caroline, Elena and Bonnie and I know they have their own beef with each other but she's nice to me and we get along something which Caroline, Elena and Bonnie don't like.

I haven't seen much of Rebekah's brothers as Elijah and Klaus went out of town for something leaving Finn behind who randomly disappears without telling anyone. Kol left Mystic Falls about a week ago to meet with Elijah and Klaus, I don't know when he'll be coming back but I hope it's soon as I feel sad that he's gone even though we are always texting each other.

I still haven't heard anything from Coulson about my family and I'm beginning to get impatient, yes I know it's only been 3 and a half weeks since I've been here but I'm just desperate to know where my siblings are. I want to know if my siblings are alive and okay.

I'm currently at the Grill having a drink, not an alcoholic drink though while everyone being Caroline, Elena and Bonnie are at the Salvatore house with Stefan, Damon, Matt and Alaric. I don't know what they're doing but I don't really care as it's none of my business and I have more important matters to worry about like my siblings and if they're alive.


Kol's pov

I was on my way back to Mystic Falls, usually I would be dreading it because Mystic Falls holds so many dark and painful memories of mine and my family's past from when we lived here and grew up when we were children and just normal.

However I'm not dreading returning to Mystic Falls all because of one girl, Davina Maximoff. We've been talking and texting a lot and we have a steady friendship with occasional flirting and there is clear sexual tension between us but none of us make a move to do anything about it. 

I mean I would but I don't want to make it seem like I'm just hanging around her and talking to her because I want to get in her pants although I do want to get in her pants. I actually respect her and I don't want to scare her off so I'm taking my time with her.

Davina is still a mystery to me however there are just things about her that I still don't know because she won't let me or anyone else know. She's hiding something and I don't know whether it's because of fear or she just doesn't trust us but she's harbouring something and I can tell it's bothering her but I don't know how to help her if I don't know what it is.


I tense up as I finally arrive in Mystic Falls, passing the welcome to Mystic Falls sign but I quickly perk up as I see Davina walking out of the grill so I pull up next to her and roll my window down. "Hey sexy" I say leaning over the passenger seat to poke my head out the window "Kol you're back" she says with a smile on her face "I am darling, now if you're not doing anything why don't you hop in and we can do something?" I suggest as I open the car door.

"What will we do?" she asks biting her lip "I don't know something fun, you know me darling I always think of fun things to do" I respond before gesturing her to get in and she does making me lean back in my seat.

She shuts the door and I pull away from the pavement and drive away as she puts her seat belt on. "So first things first I have something in mind but you're gonna have to change" I say making her frown "what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" she asks "nothing love but what we're going to do is gonna be a little chilly so you're gonna need to change into something warm so I'm going to drop you off at the house so you can get changed and I will wait out in the car for you" I explain making her nod "okay" she replies looking out the window.

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