twenty eight

93 4 1

I woke up to Luke's strong arms wrapped around me, I sat up and stretched. Luke woke up soon after I did. I looked around and smiled at my new room. I was so happy that I finally actually moved in and now I don't have to bother the Brooks anymore.

I heard Luke yawn and than I heard a soft thud. I looked behind me and saw that Luke had his head on the pillow and was sleeping again. I quietly laughed, I got Luke's arms off of me and I stood up and grabbed my phone.

I opened my phone and clicked the camera app, I switched my front camera to the back and than I started to press the white circle button that takes pictures. After taking a couple of pictures I stopped and went down stairs to go make breakfast and look at them.

I walked down the stairs and walked over to my new bar stools, I sat down on one of them and scrolled through all of the pictures that I took of Luke. I found a really cute one that I absolutely loved! I put a white border around the picture of Luke and uploaded to my instagram and twitter.

I tagged Luke on both of the apps and smiled at his cute sleeping face. I got up and left my phone on my counter and went to the fridge. I grabbed a package of bacon, carton of eggs, and than I shut the fridge. 

I set all the stuff down on the counter than was right next to the stove/ oven. I than grabbed the bread and put it next to the toaster than I got yesterday. I cooked the bacon first only because it took a while and than after doing the bacon I put it on a plate and sat it down next to the bread.

I than started to make the eggs. When I was almost done with the eggs I heard footsteps and I turned around and saw Luke walking towards me with no shirt on and a really cute smile on his face. I turned back around so I could finish the eggs.

"Luke can you put the toast in the toaster?" I asked him while focusing on my eggs.

"Sure." He said and than he did as I asked.

I finished cooking the eggs and I took them off of the heated stove top and turned off the stove. I walked over to a cabinet and grabbed two plates and than two glasses. I set the plates down on the small counter on the other side of the oven(The side that didn't have the toaster on it).

Luke grabbed the forks and than grabbed the orange juice that was in the fridge. Luke set the orange juice on the big counter that had my phone set on it. The toast was done so I grabbed a the two pieces and set one on Luke's plate and one on mine.

Luke and I served our selves and we sat down on the bar stools and ate, I saw my phone light up multiple times while I was eating so I decided to check my phone. It was all twitter so I opened up the twitter apps and saw that there were a ton of people re-tweeting, commenting and following me.

I was kind of shocked but than again Luke is really popular around the world which was kind of crazy to me. I checked the comments on the picture and all the comments literally said that I was lucky or that he was so cute and a couple of hate comments but I didn't really read those ones.

I than checked my instagram which was also going off like crazy, I got a ton more followers, Likes, and comments. On my instagram there was more hate, but than there were people who were sticking up for me which was really sweet.

"What are you looking at?" Luke asked me while peeking over my shoulder.

I quickly shield my phone from him so he couldn't see. I than locked my phone.

"Check for your self." I told him while eating my food.

Luke gave me a weird look but grabbed his phone to see what I was talking about. I continued to eat my food and smile.

"Really?" He asked me.

I turned to look at him and I saw him look at me, he just shook his and laughed.

"It's cute, and your fans seem to love it." I told him while drinking my orange juice.

"Yeah I guess they do." He said.

A couple of minutes of talking and laughing we finished our food and cleaned everything up. We went over to my couch and turned on the TV and looked for a show that we both liked. While Luke was flipping through the channels I opened my mouth and said something.

"So valentines day is in a few days." I said while looking at him.

"Oh, I'm not a big fan of Valentines day." He told me before choosing a channel.

All I did was nod my head and stay silent.


So I purposely made this a shorter chapter so I could work on the V-Day chapter for this story and my other story that is also published on here! "The Meeting"

I want to feel loved-L.b.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang