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I woke up to Anna sleeping next to me and not Luke. It made me sad that it wasn't Luke but he had to go home and I had to also. I can't think about him to much. I'll go crazy if I do.

My birthday is a few weeks away. My birthday is June 26. I really want my birthday to come faster. I decided that I should probably look for a few houses near the brooks. I texted beau and asked him where he lived so I could look for house.

Beau told me and I started looking.I found a really cute house that was a light blue,it had three bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms. There were pictures of the inside and it looked really nice. Beau texted me and told me that he got off the plane and that he could check out the place for me later. I texted him back a sure and a thank you.

I looked for a few more houses. I decided to give it a rest. Anna woke up and we both went down stairs and ate breakfast.We talked about the party and talked about how we need to go to a few more party's.

We talked about college.Anna is 18 she's been 18 for a while and I'm turning 18. Anna and I have already gotten excepted into a few colleges but i'm going to be living in Australia so i'm not going to any of the colleges out here.

Anna has a few choices, she got accepted into a few really good colleges. We finished our talk about college and decided that we should probably go do something instead of sitting in my house.

We got dressed and walked outside to Anna's car. We got in and sat in the car for a little bit.Anna soon started the car and started to drive away from my house. A phone started to ring and Anna picked up her phone and clicked the green button.

Anna started to smile and talk to the person on the other end.They talked for a couple of minutes. The last thing Anna said to the person on the phone was "okay awesome I'll be there soon bye." and than hung up the phone.

"Anna, who was that?" I asked her.

She smiled even bigger.

"That was Tyler,he's up here for a little while." She said while taking a left turn.

"Anna that's great, Can you drive me back home?" I asked her.

She looked over to me and gave me a confused look.

"I wanna give you guys your space." I told her.

She shook her head.

"Nope your coming." She said.

10 minutes later we arrived at a park. Anna quickly turned to me.

"Do I look okay?!" She asked.

"Yes you do." I said as I laughed.

We both got out of the car and walked over to a bench. We looked around for Tyler until Anna said "there he is" She pointed to where he is and I looked and saw that he was on his phone. He looked pretty buff.

We walked over to Tyler and Anna said hi. Tyler quickly stood up as soon and he knew that we were here. Tyler smiled at Anna and Anna smiled back. Tyler and I talked a little and we got to know each other.

He was really sweet and I think he would be great for Anna. She hasn't been in a relationship since she was 15. Her last boyfriend was a guy named Michael. He was 17 at the time and he was sweet at first but than he changed. A lot.

He got a lot more aggressive and overprotective. He would yell at her a lot and wouldn't let her hang out or talk to other guys. One time she was texting her brother but Michael thought it wasn't her brother and he yelled at her and hit her.

After he hit her she left him. He moved to a different state a month after and than nobody heard anything from him again. I looked down at my phone that was vibrating in my hand and saw that Luke was calling.

I told Tyler that I have to take a call and than I walked away.I answered the phone and said hello.

"Hey baby." Luke said.

"Hi Luke, What's up?" I asked him.

"Can't sleep I miss holding you in my arms at night." Luke said.

"I know, same.So Beau told me that you are looking at a few houses out here." Luke said.

"Yeah I am." I said. While smiling and twirling a piece of my hair.

"Guess what." Luke said.

"What?" I asked him.

I really miss Luke, I miss his hugs and kisses and how he would always be next to me.

"You get to come out here in a few days. " Luke said to me.

"What? No your joking." I said.

"Nope you leave in four days." Luke said.

"I can't wait." I said. While covering my mouth. I was so happy and shocked that I would be leaving in four days to go to Australia to go be with Luke and the rest of the boys.

"Well, I have to go I'll talk to you later." I said to him.

"Bye Dace. I really miss you." Luke said.

"I miss you too." I said and than hung up.

I walked back over to Tyler and Anna who were laughing and smiling. They were holding hands. It was so cute. I haven't seen Anna this happy with a guy in forever. She tried to date again but she really couldn't she was afraid and she just couldn't find anyone but now she has and I'm so happy.

Anna looked over at me.

"So what did he have to say?" Anna asked me.

I told Anna that Luke bought me a plane ticket to fly out to Australia and that I would leave in four days. She told me that he really likes me. I laughed. We hung out with Tyler for another two hours and than he told us that he had to go and hang with his brother that he hasn't seen in the past two years.

We all said our goodbyes and left. Anna and I went back to my place and we chilled there. We watched a few movies and ordered pizza. We ate and laughed and had fun. Anna got a text from Tyler that said that he would like to take her out to dinner tomorrow night. She got so happy and texted him back saying that she couldn't wait for tomorrow night.

I looked at my phone for the time and it read that it was 8:38. I looked next to me to see that Anna was fast asleep. I was a little tired but I want to call Luke before I go to bed.I made sure to clean up and make sure that Anna was comfy before I turned off all the lights and went upstairs to my room.

I shut my door after I walked into my room. I grabbed my laptop and opened it. I opened up skype and texted Luke asking if he wanted to skype. He texted me back his username and said sure.

We added each other and as I was about to click the call button I saw that Luke was calling me on skype. I accepted and we both had our cameras on. We talked about Australia and the houses that I told Beau about. Luke told me that Beau is out right now looking at the houses and that Beau should be back in half an hour since he's been out for a while now.

I looked at how long we've been skype for almost two hours. I heard a door open and than shut and than a voice. Luke turned his face to face where ever.

"Beau come here. "Luke said.

Beau came over and talked to me about the house and told me that both of the houses and that they were both really nice and pretty close to they're house and Daniel and James. I looked at my phone and the time read10:40.

"Guys I would really love to talk more but I have to go to bed, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said.

"Bye Dacey!" Beau said.

"Bye babe." Luke said and hung up.

I closed my laptop got ready for bed and than fell asleep thinking about what will happen in 4 days.


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