twenty two

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Can you guys please vote for my story it would mean a lot to me!

Luke and I woke up and got ready for the day, We packed our bags and the boys met us at my place with the van and all their bags.

We loaded up the van with our things and went back into my house. I called Anna and told her to come over so we can spend my last few hours here with her.

After calling Anna I went to go check on my aunt Katie. I opened her bedroom door to see her laying in bed on her phone.

"Katie I'm leaving in a little while can we spend time together before we leave?" I asked her.

Katie sat up and looked at me, she smiled.

"Sure." she said.

I left her room and I went back into the living room to see that all the boys and Anna were laughing at something.

I smiled at the sight of everybody getting along. I walked over to my friends and waited for my aunt to come out here to join us. I really didn't have anything planned for today besides saying goodbye and getting on the plane.

"What do you guys want to do?" I asked over the small crowd of voices.

"Can we just make food? And watch a movie or something we are all dying of hunger." skip said.

"Yeah sure." I said.

After my aunt came into the living room we began to make food in the kitchen, We decided to make pancakes and bacon, right before all the fun started my aunt got a phone call.

I didn't know who it was or what they were talking about but she had to leave which meant I couldn't spend the last few hours in America with her.

My smile faded when I heard the front door shut. I walked out of the kitchen and looked out the window and watched her drive away.

A tear ran down my cheek and I wiped it away before it could fall, I sniffled and turned around away from the window and walked upstairs.

When I got upstairs I walked into my aunts room and I laid on the bed. I miss her a lot, I can't believe that I actually thought that she wanted to spend time with me.

I stared at the ceiling and thought about when I was younger when she still had my uncle, and how happy she was and when she was always around but now she's not around very much.

I sat up on the bed and but after a few minutes of just sitting there I got off the bed and left the room. I walked back down the stairs and headed back into the kitchen. When I got into the kitchen I saw a big stack of pancakes and bacon.

"Wow." I said out loud.

Everybody in the room looked at me and laughed.

"What you didn't think that we were able to do this?" Beau said.

"Nope, I thought you guys were gonna put the house up in flames." Beau frowned while everybody else laughed.

I walked over to the plates and grabbed one and put a pancake on my plate with a few pieces of bacon I grabbed a fork that was sitting on the counter next to the plates.

I looked over to the table and noticed that there weren't any spots left. I frowned but noticed that Luke was looking at me. He pointed to his lap and I walked over to him and sat in his lap, I placed my plate on the table.

I want to feel loved-L.b.Where stories live. Discover now