thirty three

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I'm very sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I hope that everyone who has read this story continues to read it even though it's shit but it still means a lot to me... Thank you everyone for 5K reads and 222 Votes.

Please keep voting, reading and share this story with everyone. Knowing that people still read this gives me motivation. Thank you everyone!
I looked at Luke with love in my eyes. My heart raced for him and only him. Two and a half months.. It isn't a lot and maybe the way that we met and everything that's happened is stupid and lame but it's us.

Maybe it doesn't make any sense but it doesn't have to. I love Luke and I've fallen in love with him. The boy sitting in front of me is the reason why I wake up every morning. To see the smile on his face, hear his laughter, and hear his beautiful voice.

I wouldn't trade him for the world and everything is perfect. Well... Not perfect because nothing is perfect but it's our type of perfect. I looked at the boy that I fell so madly in love with from across the table.

I watched as Luke stood from the table and walked behind me. He took the beautiful necklace from my hands and placed it around my neck. He put it on me, it hung beautifully around my neck.

Luke sat back down across from me, he flashed me his beautiful smile. "I love you." The words left my mouth so easily and they meant so much. Luke reached across the  table and grabbed my hand.

"Dacey, I feel in love with you since the first time I saw you." My heart stopped by his words. Every word he said I only fell for him more and more and I knew that it couldn't stop and I couldn't and wouldn't stop loving him.

Luke and I continued dinner with laughs and conversation. After dinner ended we got into the car and drove around looking for something else to do. We wanted to continue this wonderful night.

We passed by an ice rink. We headed to target and Bought some different and warmer clothes to wear. We headed into the Target bathroom and changed into our new clothes and put our other outfits into the bags.

We left target and got back into the car. I was wear a thick pair of black leggings with a thick long sleeve shirt and a heavy coat. Luke bought a heavy coat to wear. We drove back to the Ice rink and headed inside.

We got our ice skates and put them on. I walked steadily on the skates while Luke was having a harder time trying not to fall on his face. We made it to the big rink. Couples skated past Luke and I hand in hand. Little children learning how to skate were near the  edge of the rink so they could hold onto the border of the rink.

I placed a foot of the ice and waited for Luke. He placed a strong grip onto the border and placed his feet onto the ice. He stayed close to the border not moving, hanging on for dear life. I laughed.

"Honestly I've never actually ice skated before." He said looking around at all the people passing him. I laughed again. "I'll help you." I told him. I reached my hand out for him to grab.

He was hesitant but took my hand in his. I told him what to do and showed him how to skate. I taught him how to go faster, slow down, and stop. I tried my best to not laugh at him.

Luke was smiling as he skated over to me, He was slightly wobbly and tried his best which i'm very proud of. Luke was going kind of fast and he knew this. He tried to slow down but he couldn't. A frightened expression took over his face.

I then realized that he wasn't afraid that he wasn't going to stop. He was afraid because he was coming right at me and soon that same expression took over my face. Luke was now only a couple feet away from me and he was still skating fast.

Something clicked in his head and he tried to stop which resulted in his falling onto the ice with a thud. I burst out laughing as Luke layed on the ice. He groaned in pain. I helped Luke up and took his hand in mine.

Luke and I skated around the rink hand in hand for a while before we both decided to skate on our own for a little while. After an hour and a half of skating we left the rink. A smile on Luke's face as he headed back to the car.

On the car ride home all Luke could talk about was how fun skating is and how we should go skating more often. As I thought about taking him skating in a couple more months I remembered...

"I'm Pregnant." The words left my mouth. Sadness filling my voice. Luke took a quick look at me noticing my sudden change of mood. Luke intertwined our fingers. "Dace, this baby will be beautiful just like you."

I nodded my head as I thought about the next few months. The rest of the car ride was filled with Luke singing songs that were playing on the radio. His voice filled my ears and I fell asleep to the sweet sound of him singing lyrics to 'Small Bump' by ED Sheeran.

I knew as I fell asleep that I was only going to fall more and more in love with this boy as time passed and what we have will continue on as long as neither one of us does anything dumb.

I knew that I love him from the start. We both just needed a small little push and we both got it. Now I'm living in Australia, far from my friends and family but I'm now living closer to the guy that I love and the other boys who I cherish my friendship with and if anything bad were to happen I know that my heart would be shattered.
I feel like this is the best chapter that i've posted so far but maybe not, I will try and get on this account more often but I'm manly on shelbsxcrice so if you want me to update or have anything to say to me then message me on that account and I will respond as soon as I can.

Have a good day everyone, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my story.. It means a lot to me!

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