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I woke up to Beau's arms still around me. I saw my phone laying on his floor. I picked it up and saw that I had a few notifications. I looked at the time and saw that it read 6:56. I stretched and woke Beau up.

We both got dressed again (I got dressed in my own clothes) We both went down stairs and found all the boys downstairs in the living room playing FIFA. They were to busy with the game to notice that Beau and I are down stairs again.

"Who want's beer?" I asked.

"Us." Daniel said.

"We were waiting for you two to wake up so we could drink, we didn't want to have fun without you two." Jai added.

The boys all decided that they were done playing xbox for a today. We all walked into the kitchen and got a few drinks and headed out side to start a fire. When the fire was started we all sat around it while drinking beer.

Luke was outside with us to but I didn't care, I saw him looking at me but I didn't look or make eye contact with him once.

"So Dacey,why do you live with your aunt?" Daniel said while sipping his beer.

I was kind of hoping that this question wouldn't have come up, but I needed to tell them, even though I haven't known them for a long time and maybe I won't even see them again so I really won't have anything to worry about.

The sun went down really fast, I was looking down at my drink and thinking whether or not I should tell them or not. I thought and thought about it but than I made up my mind. I started to speak.

"My parent's liked getting drunk and doing drugs. One night they got in a really bad accident and I remember the last time I saw them was before they went out that night, they were already drunk and they told me that they didn't love me and that I was a mistake, I cried, but I cried harder when I saw they're caskets getting put in the ground." I told them all.

It should be a big deal and maybe it is but it was they're stupid choice, they were the ones that decided to do all that stupid stuff. I miss them when they were sober. I honestly got over it all. I got over they're death faster than a lot of people did.

"I'm so sorry." Daniel said.

Everyone was so quiet.

"Don't be, I don't care about it." I told them while taking a sip of my drink.

"You don't care?" James asked shocked.

"I don't care, They were the stupid people who decided to do all that stupid stuff, it happened a long time ago, I'm over it." I said

"When did this happen?" Jai asked.

I took a few moments to think about this.

"Well I'm 17 right now and this happened when I was 8, so 11 years." I told them.

"Wow..." some one said.

"Yup, doesn't matter. Last good thing I remember of them was when I was probably 5 and they took me to the park." I took another sip of my drink. I soon finished it and got up.

"I'm going to get another drink be right back." I said and walked into the kitchen.

I was filling my drink when I heard the door bell, I put my drink down and walked over to the door and opened it. I looked at the person behind the door and saw that it was blondie. She was wearing the sluttiest shorts and shortest shirt i've ever seen.

I gave her a disgusted look and slammed the door in her face. She knocked on the door and I opened it again.

"What?" I asked obviously annoyed by her presence.

"Is my lukeybear here?" She asked me, He voice was super high pitched and annoying she was fake and it bothered me.

"Nope, bye now." I told her and slammed the door back in her face and walked away, I grabbed my drink and walked back outside.

"Why did it take you so long?" Beau asked me.

"Slut bag was at the door." I told them.

"Slut bag?" Jai asked me.

"Blondie." I told them while taking a sip of my drink.

"What did she want?" Beau asked.

"She wanted her Lukeybear." I told them.

I looked at Luke and he just looked down at the fire and said nothing.

"What did you do?" Jai asked.

"I opened the door i gave her a disgusted look than slammed the door in her face." I took another sip of my drink.

"That's all?" Jai asked me.

"She knocked, I opened it asked her what, she told me that she was looking for her Lukeybear and asked me of he was here, I told her no bye now and than slammed the door in her face again and came back out here." I finished.

Almost all of them laughed.

"So how did you cope with the death of your parents?" James asked me bringing back the subject that I never like to talk about.

"I hated what they did to me, I thought it was my fault that they started to that stuff, a few years after they're death I got caught up in the wrong people. I did some bad things that I do regret." I said while finishing off my drink again.

"Like what?" Daniel asked.

Luke started to listen in.

"I drank, drugs, sex... I had a lot of sex, I did this." As I said the last part I lifted up the sleeve of the sweatshirt that I slipped on before coming outside.

"You cut?" Luke asked.

Everybody looked at him a little surprised. He looked a little hurt, but I don't know why.

"For a little while, I soon realized that It was stupid of me to do that, so I just stuck with the other stuff, but that stopped to." I said pulling down my sweatshirt sleeve.

I looked at the time. 8:12.

"I'm going to bed." I told them while standing up.

"I'll come with." Two voices said and I heard two chairs moving.

I turned around and saw that those voices came from Luke and Beau.

"I'm okay, but thanks." I said and started walking inside.

I threw my cup away and walked upstairs, I instantly walked into Luke's room. I don't know why but I just did. I grabbed one of his sweatshirts and took off my clothes and put on the shirt. I got under the covers and was almost asleep until I heard the door open.

I opened my eyes and saw that it was Luke. He took off his shirt and pants. He climbed in next to me and pulled me closer to him, I laid my head on his chest.

"I knew that you would've come to my room." He told me.


I was almost asleep, when Luke whispered "You are something special and I think you should come live with me in Australia."

I didn't say anything but instead I grabbed Luke's hand and held it and snuggled up to him even more. Luke kissed me on the forehead and whispered good night and we both fell asleep.


I suck at writing but whatever.

Thank you!

PLEASE vote AND comment (good things please or somethings that I need to work on and/or add)

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