thirty one

46 3 0

just because Luke is something... Special... and I love him a lot!


I woke up and I smiled as I remebered the events that had happened yesterday, I found a sleeping boy right next to me sleeping, I instantly became happy as I saw him laying next to me.

He looked so peaceful when he slept, I look at him and noticed a small smile laced on his lips. Luke's hair was very messed up right now and it was absolutely adorable.

I quickly grabbed my phone and took a couple of pictures. I posted the picture of him sleeping on all the social media that I had and tagged him in it.

After a couple of minutes passed and my phone started to go off like crazy, people were commenting and liking the picture.

I was even getting a ton of new followers. I smiled as I read through some of the sweet comments that people left me. The smile on my lips was huge and my happiness was growing more and more as I read more and more comments.

I kept scrolling through the comments and instantly feel the smile and happiness leave me. I read the comment slowly reading each word that was written on the picture.

"Your ugly, Luke probably doesn't even love you he's probably only using you. KILL YOURSELF NOBODY WOULD MISS YOU."

That comment was really harsh and I could feel the hurt taking over me, my vision started to get blurry and tears started to threaten to spill.

I started to get more and more comments on the picture. I looked at them and smiled seeing that Luke's fans were backing me up.

A smile replaced the frown and the happiness took over the sadness. I heard moving coming from Luke but I just stayed sat up on the end of my bed.

I heard more moving and than familiar arms wrap around my waist. Luke placed his chin on my shoulder to see what I was doing.

"Good morning princess." Luke said while placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning." I said.

I moved around and placed a kiss on Luke's lips, I felt a kiss form on his lips as our mouths moved against each others.

My heart started to race and the butterfly's in my stomach started to go crazy. Luke pulled me into him making us lay on the bed with me on top.

His arms remand wrapped around my waist. We heard my bedroom door creak open, I pulled away from Luke and we both turned our attention to the door.

Beau, Skip, James and Jai stood in the door way with their phones out. "Aw they're so cute!" Beau said which caused all the boys to laugh.

"Luke and Dacey tell the fans how long you guys have been together." James said. Luke and I looked at each other not knowing what to say, we weren't really together and we never discussed being together.

Luke and I turned our attention back to the boys and just looked at them. The boys continued to stay silent waiting for our response.

James spoke up and broke the awkward silence, "well goodbye guys we will see you
Later!" He said happily to his phone.

The boys all put there phone away and continued to look at us, I shifted uncomfortably in my bed waiting for someone to say something.

"So are you guys together?" James asked. I shook my head and they all nodded they're head. "okay well we are going to go to the gym." Jai said.

All the boys turned away and walked out of my room. Luke and I were left with nothing but awkwardness.

I climbed out of my bed and walked into my bathroom and took a shower. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and walked out into my room.

Luke was laying on my bed staring at his phone screen. when I shut the door to my bathroom Luke turned his attention to me. He climbed out of my bed and walked over to me.

Luke placed his hand on my cheek and kissed my lips softly. He turned away from me and walked out of my room.

I shut my bedroom door and got dressed in a pair of blue and black athletic shorts and a white tank top. I put on mascara and kept my hair down to air dry.

I walked downstairs, I saw Luke in the kitchen so I went in there to see what he was doing.

"Hey." I said while walking up next to Luke. I rested my head on him and watched him cook bacon and eggs.

After a couple of minutes the food was done and we were eating. While Luke and I ate it was completely silent except for the silverware hitting the plates.

I thought that it was going to be silent the whole time but I was wrong. "Dacey." Luke said. I looked up at him with questioning eyes.

"Can I take you on a date sometime?" He asked with shyness in his voice. My heart started to pound in my chest and I started to become super excited and happy.

"Yes, I would love that." I told him. We both continued to eat our food with smiles on our faces.


I want to feel loved-L.b.Where stories live. Discover now