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I spent the next few days with the boys.We all boarded the plane and slept.A few hours later we were in L.A. I could only stay in L.A. for 2 days and than Anna would stop by the boys house to pick me up since she was in L.A. to visiting Tyler.We all went to bed and when I woke up a few hours later.

when I woke up, I ran to the bathroom and threw up.Which led to a phone call to my aunt.I had to go home early because she was so worried about me.As soon as I got home my aunt Katie ran up to me and asked me if I was okay.

She was treating me like a little baby.As soon as I got into the house I ran upstairs and threw up.I threw up twice on the place.

I didn't know what was going on.I didn't do anything I'm sure of it.I snuck out of the house when my aunt was in the bathroom and I drove down to the nearest pharmacy,When I walked into the pharmacy it was really quiet.

There wasn't very many people there.I went to one aisle And got three different pregnancy tests.I'm pretty damn sure i'm not pregnant but maybe I did something that I shouldn't have and I didn't remember.

I got a call from Luke and I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey babe." Luke said.

"What's up." I said while walking up to the checkout area.

"Laying in bed,I wanted to see how you were doing, what about you?." Luke asked.

"At the pharmacy." I said.

"For?" He asked me.

"Pregnancy tests." I said.

"We didn't do anything though...Right?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I said.

The lady told me my total and I gave her the money and left with the tests.Luke and I said our goodbyes and I drove home.

I parked my car in the drive way and ran into my room.I went into the bathroom and did what I had to do. I waited 5 minutes for each test.I picked up the test and each one read positive.

I started to cry.I don't know if this was correct or not but I really don't want a kid right now.The first person I called was Anna.

"Hello Dace." Anna said in a happy voice.

"Anna come over please." I said to her.Anna drove me home.

"Okay I'll be there soon." She said and hung up the phone.

I sat in the bathroom staring at the pregnancy tests.I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said not bothering to see who it is.

"Dace what's wrong." She asked me.

I didn't say anything though, I just kept looking at the tests.She looked over to where I was looking at and gasped.

"Dacey, Oh my goodness." She said.

I burst into tears.Anna gave me a hug and she didn't let go.

"Is it his?" She asked me.

I just nodded and cried.I didn't want this.

"You need to call him." She told me.

"Okay." I said.

I picked up my phone and called Luke.He instantly answered.

"Hey babe." He said.

"I need you to drive down here please." I said.

"Right now?" He asked me.

"please." I said.

"Okay hold on." He told me.

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