thirty seven (V-Day)

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Btw I don't go through the chapters for spelling errors or mistakes I probably should but I don't have the time and I'm very sorry for that

PART TWO OF THE V-DAY chapter will be posted sometime this week!

I felt his soft lips on mine. He pulled away and left a smile on both of our faces. It was hard not smiling with him, he pushed strands of my hair out of my face and right then the baby started to cry in the room next door.

"I'll get it." Luke said, he kissed my lips and left the room to go take care of our baby girl Ally. The cries soon stopped and the beautiful sound of Lukes voice sounded. This was amazing it was all so amazing, I was beyond blessed with the most amazing people.

"Dace, wake up." I heard. The scene left and my eyes opened. Luke was hovered over me and my baby bump was still there.

Luke kissed me and rolled off of my body. "Get up." He said. I pulled the covers off of my body and heard him say "follow me." I followed him and reached the last step. When I saw what he did my mouth was to the ground and my eyes were wide.

Lights were hung around the room and they covered the railing of the stairs. Multiple cases filled with roses of different colors were placed around the room.

Light pink, white and red roses. They were so beautiful, Luke hugged me from behind, he left kisses on my shoulder.

"I'm so in love with you Dacey, it's crazy." His voice was soft and his tone was sweet. "Im so in love with you too Luke, it's unbelievable." We stood there and took in the beautiful moment playing in front of us.

We broke away and parted from each other to get ready for the day that we had planned, well Luke had planned.

I went upstairs and scanned my closet. My wardrobe was slightly a problem only because I was now showing and more then I did a month ago.

I quickly pulled an outfit from my closet and put it on. It was a long light pink tulle skirt and a sleepless black crop top and a pair of short black heels.

I know what your thinking. Heels, crop top, skirt? Just cause I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't look good. I put in the outfit and put the skirt over the top just a little. I was pretty pleased with my outfit today.

I applied a small amount of makeup and before I could stand up and leave my bedroom my phone started to ring. I smiled so big as I saw the contact name on my phone.

I answered it quickly. "Hey, I miss you!" She laughed. "I miss you too!" We talked for awhile and I told her everything that's happened in the last few months. Luke telling me "I love you." How far along I am, and the little war between him and I.

Annas laugh on the other end of the line made me laugh. She told me about tyler, they're still together and he's taking her out tonight. She's very excited. We talked about my aunt Katie and that reminded me to call her, which I would do right after this call.

We gossiped for a while before Tyler came to pick her up, we both made a promise to see each other soon and to talk more.

I hung up with one last goodbye and rang my unit. It picked up on the 3rd ring. "Hello sweetheart." Her voice was sweet and I tried to hold in the tears that were threatening to spill out. "I miss you so much." I choked out. My voice cracked.

I want to feel loved-L.b.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat