twenty one

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I didn't finish chapter 20 and I'M SO VERY SORRY about that! I didn't know that It wasn't finished

This chapter is dedicated to @awishamarie because she gave me the motivation to write this!



When we got into my car we talked about where we wanted to go to.We both decided on the mall.We got there pretty quickly.Anna and I got out of the car while laughing about something that happened in 10th grade.

"We were so stupid!" Anna yelled.

"I know." I said and we continued to laugh until we got into the mall.

We had entered in through the food court and right now food sounded really good,I thought about getting in line to get pizza or Chinese but I wasn't very hungry at the moment so I was going to eat later.

Anna and I walked through the semi-large crowds of people,today was a little more crowded than it normally was so it's harder to get around. Anna and I walked around the mall not knowing what we were actually looking for.

We walked around for a couple of minutes before Anna spotted a store and rushed us over to it. We walked into the store and were surrounded by a ton of really cute clothes, Anna stood there and looked around the store in awe.

She looked so happy right now, She started to walk around the store and started to grab things off of rack. After she was done looking we both went to the back of the store where the fitting rooms were and she went into one of the rooms while I sat outside of the rooms on a bench.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked it noticing that I had a voice mail from Luke. I locked my phone and put it back into my pocket, I would check the voice mail later when Anna and I were done shopping.

The fitting room door opened and Anna walked out wearing a pair of high wasted shorts and a black crop top with a colored pocket. It was so cute, I was so jealous that Anna would be able to wear all these cute clothes and I wouldn't be able to.

I gave Anna a thumbs up and she walked back into the dressing room. This continued on for 10 more minutes, after Anna decided on 2 of her favorite outfits she paid and we left, We checked out a couple more stores but nothing really popped out at us.

We went to go get something to eat in the food court, We saw a crowd of girls screaming and some were even crying. They were surrounding some one, but Anna and I didn't know who. The person who was obviously famous or semi-famous was trying to get through the large crowd.

Anna and I stood there watching from a distance, We saw a person making their way through the crowd, all the girls started to scream with excitement and cry as the person was passing them. I pulled out my phone and decided to check out the voice mail that Luke left me.

I unlocked my phone and clicked on the voice mail. I smiled as I heard his voice.

"Dace I really miss you can you come home now? Even though you just left a little bit ago, come home and we can cuddle and watch Disney movies and I can tell you how much I love you, and I can list off all the amazing things about you. Please baby I really miss you." I smiled as the voice mail ended.

I heard the girls excited screams get closer and closer so I looked up, and right in front of me was Luke smiling and holding a dozen roses in his hands.

I want to feel loved-L.b.Where stories live. Discover now