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We all walked into the house and saw that there was a lot more people inside than there was outside. We walked in side and tried to get through all the people. We found the kitchen and I saw a couple making out, a few people scattered around the kitchen and a ton of drinks.

Claire and Sara immediately walked over to the drinks and started to poor us glasses of something. They walked over to Anna and I and handed us the drinks.

"Thanks." I said to them.

"Yep, no problem so where are the hot guys?" Claire said while looking around.

"I don't know." Sara said while looking around to.

"Oh my gosh!" Claire said excitedly.

"What?" I asked her.

"That guy is totally checking you out Dacey!" Claire yelled/whispered.

I turned to where she was looking and saw a cute guy with brown hair and a blonde fringe, brown eyes, and a lip piercing. He was wearing a tight pair of skinny jeans and a Young and Reckless shirt with a pair of black vans. He was holding a red plastic cup in his hand.

There was a girl talking to him but he just kept looking at me. The girl hit his chest and said his name "Luke".

"Dacey." I heard.

I was making eye contact with the really cute guy who I assume is Luke. I didn't want to turn away. He took a sip of his drink and kept looking at me. He smiled and I smiled back. He was an absolute hottie.

"Dacey!" I heard some one yell.

I turned my attention to who ever it was.

"Well thank you Dacey for returning back to planet earth." Anna said.

"Yep no problem anything for you Anna bear." I said.

"He looks really into you." Sara said.

I laughed.

"what?" Sara said again.

"Nobody could ever be into me." I said while taking a sip of my drink after words.

"Don't say that! you are a sexy mother fucker!" Claire said.

"Yep so sure." I said.

"Your so I don't even know." Sara said.

"We should go dance!" Claire said.

"Sure." Anna said.

"Can we get another drink first I would like to get wasted." I said.

Claire and Sara gasped.

"What?" I asked them.

"That is so not like you! but let's get wasted." Sara said.

We all got another drink and we walked out of the kitchen. Maybe that one Luke guy can come find me later and we can have a conversation with words instead of have him look at me from a far.

Sara and Claire disappeared 20 minutes into the party. So I still had Anna with me which is good. I was Talking to Anna until someone yelled "Shots!" which is exactly what I could go for right now. I love shots even though I have usually one shot.

I grabbed Anna's wrist and we went back to the kitchen. Anna and I did shots with a few guys that were really cute. An hour later it was 9:43. A lot of people are so drunk right now. The music is blasting so loud.

Right now I was sat on some random persons lap, with Anna sitting next to me. We were with about five other people right now and we were all laughing at this story that some one is telling us about how they saw something really funny.

I want to feel loved-L.b.Where stories live. Discover now