twenty seven

131 4 0

I woke up to the smell of bacon and Luke gone, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I got up and walked out of the room into the living room/Kitchen. I sat down on a bar stool and I placed my hands on the counter, Luke was standing in front of the stove making bacon and blueberry pancakes.

I quietly got up off of the stool and walked over to Luke I stood behind Luke and I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his back while he cooked, I stood there arms wrapped around Luke for a couple more minutes until my legs got tired and than I let go and walked back over to the bar stool and sat back down.

I looked around the room while sitting on the bar stool until Luke was done making food. Luke walked over to me with a big stack of pancakes and bacon, I smiled knowing that he made this special for me. Luke set down the food and went to a cabinet and pulled out to plates and went and grabbed 2 forks and knives.

Luke set the silverware and plates down and I grabbed a plate, knife, and fork. I than started to pull a couple pieces of bacon onto my plate with 2 pancakes. Luke pilled food onto his plate and we both started to eat, when I finished eating I was full and I got up and washed off my plate and put it in the dishwasher.

"Thank you Luke," I said to him.

"Anything for you Love." He smiled at me and continued to eat.

When Luke finished eating he cleaned everything up and we went straight to the couch to watch TV. When we switched the TV on and sat down on the couch together we heard a door squeak open.

Luke and I looked over to see who was walking out of a bed room and we saw that it was Alysha. She had her hair up in a bun and was wearing one of Jai's shirts and a pair of his sweatpants.

Alysha walked out of the room while rubbing her eyes. She walked over to us and sat on the other couch that was next to the one that Luke and I were on.

"So how was last night?" I asked her excitedly, I really wanted to know all of the details.

Alysha smiled obviously remembering the events from last night.

"It was amazing, Jai is an absolute sweetheart." she said while playing with her hands.

"Do you think you guys are going to go out again?" I asked her obviously curious.

"I think so." she told me.

I nodded my head and payed my attention to the boring show playing on the TV. As the show played for a while I thought about my house and how I've been staying at the brooks house for a really long time.

Luke had his are wrapped around my waist, I quickly got up and went into Luke and Jai's room and packed up all of my stuff. I pulled my suitcase into the living room, when Luke saw me with my suitcase he gave me a weird look and stood up.

Luke rushed over to me and stood in front of me so I couldn't pass by him. I just gave Luke a weird Luke but Luke only shook his head.

"I need to be home for a little while." I told Luke.

Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him and held me tight.

"No don't leave me." He told me while pouting.

"Luke I'm not leaving you, do you want to come over and help me unpack?" I asked him.

"Sure." he said to me and let go.

He took my suitcase out of my hands and started to pull it for me, I opened the front door for him and he put my suitcase into the trunk of the car. I walked back into the boys room and looked around for anymore of my things. I picked up my backpack and put in on my right shoulder.

I walked passed Alysha on the couch and walked out the front door and out to the car. I got into the car and put my backpack on the ground next to my feet. I heard the trunk slam shut and the car door open. Luke shut the car door and started the car.

My house was only a couple of minutes away from Luke's which was nice, Luke pulled up into my drive way and turned off the car. Luke popped the trunk and we both got out of the car. I took my backpack into the house while Luke took my suitcase.

I grabbed my keys out of my pocket and opened the door to my house. We both walked in and shut the door. The first thing that I saw when I walked into my house was boxes.

I still hadn't unpacked which I probably should do. Luke and I walked up stairs to my room and when I walked into my semi new room there were only a few boxes. Luke set down my suitcase and I put down my backpack.

Luke walked over to one box and ripped it open. In the box was a bed spread set that I had never used but I got it last year for Christmas. Luke continued to rip open the boxes. We both went downstairs and decided to open up all the boxes that I had in my house.

After opening all the boxes and getting a few things situated Luke and I got into the car and went to Ikea. After sitting in the car for 20 minutes we finally pulled into the parking lot of Ikea. Luke and I got out of the car and walked into Ikea.

We grabbed a cart and looked around for furniture and things for my house. We went to the area with the couches and we tried out some of the couches. After a while of sitting on couches we finally chose one out. 

The couch was a black soft couch and it was kind of big so hopefully it was going to fit in the living room. We got some help with getting the couch number so the employees could know which couch we wanted. 

After dealing with the couch we went to go check out some more things, 2 hours of being in Ikea I got a couch, mattress, pillows, coffee table and a ton of other things. Luke was sweet and helped me pay for some of it because I still don't have a job yet but I will hopefully soon.

Luke drove a semi-small moving truck and I drove the car back to my house. Luke called Beau and asked if he could come over and help us. Beau was with James and Daniel to so they offered to help. 

When all the guys came over(besides Jai) The guys helped get the couch, mattress and everything else into the house. Luke and Beau took the mattress upstairs to my room. James and Daniel helped me set up the living room and kitchen.

James and Daniel moved the couch into the living room and put the coffee table in front of the couch. Luke and Beau came downstairs after setting up the bed and they helped out with dishes, bar stools, the TV etc...

after getting the living room and kitchen all ready I thanked James, Beau and Daniel and they left. Luke and I went to get the bathrooms ready and than we headed upstairs and did my bedroom. We but the bedspread on my bed and than we hung up some white Christmas lights around my room.

Luke helped me put a book case in my room and a bed side table next to my bed. After an hour or two of setting up my room we were finally done with everything. I thought that my room, bathrooms and downstairs looked really good which was awesome.

Luke and I took a quick trip to Walmart and we got  food for my house and a few more things. after an hour of shopping at Walmart we got back to my house and put all the food away. Luke and I made food and ate quickly. 

After eating we went upstairs and got ready for bed while in bed Luke wrapped his arms around me and pulled me really close to him, I smiled as Luke held me close to him and I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

I want to feel loved-L.b.Where stories live. Discover now