twenty nine (Valentines Day)(P1)

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I had to put an AHS Valentines Day card because this one was so amazing that I had to share it with the people who read my story!

(This is the Valentine's Day chapter so this is a few days after twenty eight, and I'm putting this in like 2 different parts so this is part 1 amd I will be posting Part 2 soon)

I woke up to the sun shining into my room from the windows and an empty bed. I got out of bed and went to go take a shower, After my shower I got dressed in a simple Burgundy red skirt with a white crop top things with studs at the top.

After putting the outfit I went over to my bathroom and dried my hair, after drying my hair I got my wand curling iron out and curled my hair with soft light curls. After curling my hair I sprayed some hair spray onto the curls so they would stay like that for the rest of the day.

For my makeup I only put on mascara and some cake batter chap stick which was my favorite thing in the whole wide world. I looked at myself in the mirror and I decided to take a mirror selfie. I took a couple of mirror selfies and chose my favorite one.

I than put a white border around it because I do that to all of my pictures and than I posted it to IG. I put my phone away and made sure that everything was put away or turned off and than I went downstairs.

When I got downstairs I saw that Luke was sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips while watching TV.

"Hey Luke." I said.

Luke looked at me and turned off the TV and than got up to put away the bag of chips. After putting the chips away he walked over to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips and than slipped on a pair of shoes and left.

I stood in my spot and wondered what the hell just happened. I than went over to the couch and sat down, I opened my phone and searched through my contacts I clicked on Beau's contact and called him.

He picked up with in the first 3 rings.

"Heyy Dace." He said.

"Hey want to hang out?" I asked him.

"Sure, I'll be over in a few." He said and than hung up.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and I opened it, Beau instantly walked inside and gave me a hug, I hugged him back of course. I shut the door and walked over to the couch with Beau.

"So what do you want to do?" Beau asked me.

"Maybe get some breakfast?" I asked him.

"Sure," He said with a smile on his face which made me smile back.

I went upstairs quickly and put on a pair of shoes and grabbed my purse and phone charger. Beau and I left my house and got into his car and drove off to a small cafe. Beau pulled into the cafe parking lot and stopped the car.

We both got out and walked inside, I looked around the little cafe and it was really nice, There was a few tables and booths. There was a couple of people in the cafe but not a lot. All around the cafe there was hearts which was kind of cute.

Beau and I saw a sign that said seat yourself so Beau and I sat down in a booth next to a window.

Beau and I picked up the menus that were already placed in front of us and we looked through them.

After a couple of minutes of looking through them we both decided that we wanted pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

As soon as we closed the menu a lady with blonde hair and brown roots walked over to us, she took out a pen and small notepad out of her small apron thing and looked at me to start talking.

"Can I have a water, strawberry pancakes, eggs over easy and bacon please?" I told her I saw her write down the order and than look at Beau.

"Chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and a water." he said.

After the waitress wrote down our orders she smiled at us and took our menus.

"You two make a cute couple." she said and than began to walk away.

"We aren't a couple." I said while she was walking away.

Beau and I talked and laughed about something that had happened a little while ago but I'm not going to bring it up because it was a little dumb.

Beau and I eventually ran out of things to talk about so we just went on our phones.  I scrolled through all my social media, Twitter, Instagram, and snapchat. I noticed that I had gained a ton of followers on Twitter and Instagram and I was actually really surprised.

I looked up from my phone and saw our waitress walking over to our table with our food. As I saw the food on the plate I felt my stomach grumble (I don't know what word to use for that?). When She set down the plates in front of Beau and I.

Beau instantly started to laugh. We thanked the waitress and she left. Beau took his phone out and pointed the back camera at me.

"Smile!" He said while laughing a little bit.

I made a weird face and I heard Beau snap the picture. Beau laughed at the picture and showed it to me, when I saw the picture I laughed a little bit. Beau pulled his phone away from me and smiled at the picture while typing on his phone.

I had my phone sitting on the booth table, My phone vibrated and lit up. I looked at the screen and saw that I had two mentions from Beau one on Instagram and the other on Twitter. I just shook my head and laughed.

I didn't check Twitter or Instagram I was going to focus on eating my pancakes. I grabbed my silverware and started to eat my food, Beau hadn't started eating yet, he decided that it was more important to take pictures of me eating.

"One last picture," Beau said as he had his phone pointed at me.

I put up my middle finger up and continued to eat. Beau stopped taking pictures of me and looked through all of them, but when he got to the last one he bursted out into crazy laughter. I gave him a weird look and showed me his phone.

When I saw the picture my eyes widened and I tried to snatch the phone out of his hand so I could delete it. Beau pulled his phone back and obviously was posting it to Twitter and Instagram. I instantly got a notification and thought that I should just look even though I already saw the pictures.

I checked both Twitter and Instagram I saw that there was already a ton of people who saw it and was liking/favoriting/re-tweeting it.

The picture  that Beau had just posted was so bad! it was me giving him a death glare with a ton of pancake in my mouth with my middle finger up, yeah yeah it doesn't sound that bad but if you saw it than you would realize that it was really really bad.

After dying of embarrassment I decided to try and finish my food, after 10 minutes of eating and talking with Beau we payed for our food and left. Beau and I thought it would be best to go back to my place and just hang out there for a while.


Im sorry that this isn't finished and that this is late! I was really busy this weekend and i'm really busy during the weekdays because of school so i'm going to try and get Part 2 done soon!

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