thirty six

26 1 0

This was supposed to be posted a week before Valentine's Day... But I failed so I'm sorry.

"This is war." His husky voice whispered in my ear. My eyes shot open in fear. Before I could process anything a pie was shoved into my face.

Laughed erupted all around the room. I peeled the pie tin along with parts of the pie off of my face.

I threw it to the floor and wiped the filling from my eyes, I threw it at Luke. I was annoyed honestly if looks could kill Luke would be dead right now. "Get the fuck out!" I yelled. The boys continued to laugh taking it as a joke but it was far from a joke.

I opened my mouth and screamed and that caused all the boys to shut up and cover they're ears with theyre hands. I stopped. "Aw Babe." Luke came closer to me and tried to wrap me up in a hug. I shoved his chest and he fell off my bed and landed on the floor with a 'Thud.'
I stood up from my bed and turned to Luke. "I have an ultra sound today." I walked into my bathroom and showered.

When I left my bathroom and into my room it was empty. I was looking through my dresser for clothes when I heard my door open. I groaned. I glanced at the door way.

Luke walked in and shut the door. He made his way towards me. I continued to look for clothes "baby, I'm sorry." I ignored him and picked out a pair of sweatpants and a t - shirt.

"Dace, I loveee youuu." The straight line on my face disappeared and a smile popped up. "See I knew you couldn't stay mad at me."

I shook my head and pushed him out of my room. "Ill be right down." I shut the door and got dressed. I hopped off the last step and onto the hard wood flooring that covered most of the main floor.

Luke say on his phone and played some game, when he heard me he looked up and smiled.

We left the house and headed to the clinic. The clinic was small and old, when we walked inside there were multiple couples we had to fill out some paper work which was okay.

People walked in and out of the clinic like crazy, my name was called and Luke intertwined out fingers as we walked through the door behind the nurse.

She lead us to a room not far from the lobby. I sat on the chair that would soon lay me down and waited for the doctor.

Luke kept our hands together, he left kisses on my hands, minutes passed and I was laughing so hard that I was probably going to get abs.

I tried my best to stop. "Hello, I hope your having a good day." The doctor spoke. Her hair was long and dirty blonde, she smiled at us.

"I will be making the seat go back now." I straightened my body and felt the chair move.

I was now faced towards the ceiling and I had Luke by my side holding my hand the entire time. She sat down and we talked about my pregnancy. "It's been 4 months now." I said.

She got everything ready. She brought the bottled get and placed it on my stomach. I sucked in a breathe, she rubbed the wand on my stomach and the baby appeared on the monitor next to me. I felt something hit my hand I looked over and saw tears in his eyes. My heart warmed at the sight.

After the visit we got pictures and headed home.

I had luke drop me off at home. I put the pictures away safetly and left my house in my car.

I drove to the closet Walmart. I walked down the aisles looking for something that I could get like back with.

I searched the aisles for a solid 15 minutes before I found exactly what I needed. I picked up a few more things, payed, and left.

I arrived back at my house and started to get everything ready. I started to make dinner, it was 4. I sent Luke a quick text. "I'm making dinner tonight, lasagna join me?"

I put my phone down and started to play music. I made two different pans. The smaller pan was lukes. I took the secret ingredient and lifted up each noodle and poured it. I laughed.

By the time I was down putting it together and cooking it, it was 6:20 there was a knock on the front door. I opened it and there appeared Luke and the boys. Perfect.

I welcomed them inside. I placed the small pan in front of Luke, "you eat a lot so merry Christmas." I gave him a peck in the lips and grabbed the other pan.

I gave the boys the signal and we all watched as Luke took a bite. He continued to eat for a while until he started to sweat, he placed the fork down and stuck his tongue out.

"What's in this?" He choked out. Tears started to run down his face. The boys started to laugh, Luke stood up abruptly and headed to the fridge in a hurry he looked relieved as he found the gallon of milk.

He tipped the gallon of milk back and after a few gulps his faced turned into a sour expression. He ran over to the sink and spit it out.

"Seriously?! Spoiled milk." He shouted. The burn was getting worse and worse and I could only laugh. I stood up and opened the freezer and grabbed the brand new Gallon of milk.

I handed it to him and he chugged it, when he was done he looked at me with daggers in his eyes "fuck you." I just erupted in laughter and the best part was that everyone will be able to see it on keek.

we all sat at the kitchen table and ate the pasta in the big pan. The boys left and now it was only Luke and I. "I have something special planned for us on Valentine's Day." Luke said. He pulled me in closer and left kisses on my face, "no pranks." I agreed.

I want to feel loved-L.b.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora