Chapter 29: Does She Love Me?

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Despite the beautiful city in front of her. All Kaylee could see was the blurriness from the tears that formed in her eyes. Call after call, Kaylee had enough of Danielle blowing up her phone and silenced her phone. She knew it was rude, but she couldn't listen to someone apologize for something that was said out of anger. Kaylee wasn't stupid, when someone is angry they say things... things that they have been thinking or feeling. Like a drunken person, being angry brings out the truth. Yet she was the one to apologize. There were so many emotions all around her that she didn't know whether to be angry or sad.

Kaylee tried to relax by listening to the soft music that was playing. She didn't have the energy to blast her music or put on whatever trendy song that was on. So she just... played her music. More specifically the songs that were private to her. Songs she had unknowingly written about Danielle during the time she wanted to meet her again. As well as some new ones she had written while she was in the east coast. She knew she shouldn't torture herself with thoughts about Danielle but she couldn't. Her body was stuck.

As hard as it was for her. Kaylee had to admit Danielle was right. She was overbearing and dare she say it, obsessive. She just didn't notice since she was blinded by love. Kaylee knew how to love... but once she felt that love Danielle gave her it set something off in the superstar. Happiness, invincible, but most importantly, wanted by another person she also loved. She promised herself, if she'd ever get a chance to be in an actual relationship she'd do better, maybe loosened up and learn to read red flags. She always thought about dating someone, and maybe liking their company. Danielle was that for her.

Kaylee was brought out of her thoughts when she heard her own voice coming from the speakers.

"Test, test, does the mic even work.... ohhh I didn't have the volume up... Dumbass" Kaylee heard her recording laughing and playing around. She didn't remember this recording which in turn made her turn up the volume.

"Today is November 1, and It is my birthday... I don't normally celebrate my birthday... I never had one growing up so I guess that's why I got use to not celebrating it. But today... I was craving a cake. I was craving... being able to make a wish while blowing out the candles, and having to sing that awkward song while I just stand there not knowing what to do... So I decided to buy myself a cake. Is that normal buying your own cake?... But uh, I met this girl. She was kind, sweet, and really beautiful. She had beautiful ocean blue eyes and a soft smile. She bought me a cake because I didn't have cash. Ironic that a billionaire had no money.. But turned out it was her birthday yesterday. It's a- a small world. Some might say twin flames. And we sang that cheesy song and blew the candles, Together. I didn't know what to wish for. I already have everything I ever wanted. Fame fortune... so I wished for the only thing I didn't have. And that was to fall in love... and to be loved back." Kaylee head the voice breaking in her recording. Before there was a few second pause. Tears still falling more and more. She heard her recording clear her voice before continuing.

"Her name is Danielle... she made my heart skip a beat the moment I saw her. Cliche i know but it's true. I see a million faces and no one has ever made my heart flutter like she had. She's the only thing I've been thinking about. Now here I am... wanting her right now and the worse part is that her name ain't on my phone but I know there is hope. One day I'm going to meet Danielle again... and when I do I'm going to spoil her. Not with with materialistic things, instead I want to spoil her with understanding, listening, honesty, loyalty, affection, communication, and with happiness. To learn about her past... not to punish her or make fun... but to understand how she needed to be loved.. love her and make her happy to the point when she lays in bed at night she's just like wow who even knew it was possible. I know one day I will see Danielle again. And I just have to wait. I hate waiting. But if waiting means being able to be with her I'll wait for as long as forever to be with her. If future Kaylee is hearing this... Do I have Danielle in my life... and if I do... does she love me... the way I know I'll love her?"

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