No {Loki x Reader}

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The flight to the mission site was tense for the couple. (Y/n) and Loki only looked at each other angrily. Their fight had been monstrous.

"Christ, Loki. I'd like to be married one day. I'm not saying it has to be today, or tomorrow, or ten years from now. I'd just like to think you love me enough to say the same!"

"I don't want to be married, (Y/n). That was never apart of my plan!" No, he was afraid. He loved her so much. He'd love to marry her, but with her being a mortal, he knew the closer he got, the harder it'd be. "I don't want to be tied down to a mortal life."

She scoffed. "A fucking- a mortal life? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You are below me. I'm a god, you are a human."

"I thought you loved me, Loki! Are you serious right now? You know what? I can even look at you. We should be getting ready for the mission." He heard mutter a final word before she left. "Fucker."

It happened so fast, too fast. There's was never a chance to react. The trigger was pulled, the bullet had lodged. Her chest exploded with pain. The new cavity was slick and red.

"No no no no no no, you can not leave me! No!" He desperately tried to put pressure to the wound, allowing the blood to flow on his hands. "What about our plans?"

"Our plans?" She coughed feebly.

"Yes, yes darling, our plans." His voice was loud and panic, but was so far away to her. "We're going to be wed, we're going to be happy."

"I thought-I thought you didn't want-"

"I lied, I'm a liar!" He was shouting. "I love you. We can have a big beautiful wedding, everything you want, just please," his voice broke into a sob, pitifully begging, "please stay with me." He held her face in his hands.

She smiled, and nodded. "A grand wedding." And yet, her breathing stilled, leaving Loki broken and desperate.

He knew it was foolish to fall in love with a mortal.


Thor walked into the room where Loki stood, his gaze trained outside the window, the sun warming his naturally cool skin. He stopped a few feet behind Loki.

"Loki. It's been years. I'm worried. Perhaps it's time you," Thor was hesitant, unsure how Loki would react to his next words, "moved on. Met a new maiden."

Thor expected rage, a violent protest, something. He got none.

"No, Thor. Not even Asgard could match her beauty." His voice was strangely calm, and if he'd turn to face Thor his brother would see the fond smile on his lips.

Thor sighed. "Loki, please-"

"No!" Loki snapped before returning to his previous composure. "I will not repeat myself."

Thor found himself angry in his fear. He didn't want to lose his brother, not again, not like this. Loki was losing himself. Thor grabbed Loki's left hand, forcing Loki to face him. The band glinted in the sunlight. "You were not even married! This little Midgardian tradition is holding you to something already gone!"

"It's what she wanted. I was angry, for a long time. Now I know I don't regret a thing. But that doesn't mean I want to forget her, nor do I need to. This 'Midgardian tradition' is what keeps her with me. It's not holding me back, it reminds me to keep living."

"It's time to face facts, Loki."

"The fact is, Thor, I loved her. And only her."

"You don't have to forget her. Don't you think she'd want you to be happy?"

Loki smiled fondly at her memory. "Yes, of course she would. And I'm perfectly content the way I am." And he took his leave.

Thor watched him leave with a brooding expression. Oh what a fool his brother was to fall in love with a mortal.

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