Vormir {Clint x ChildReader}

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

"Dad...we're not both going home, are we?" It was a question, but it came out a statement. "No sweetie. I don't think so." I start crying. We need that stone. Everyone needs that stone. He didn't want me to come, but I pushed and now...Im going to make him watch his daughter die. I can't be the survivor, I can't live with the guilt. I know he can though. My dad is the strongest person I know. He misunderstands my tears, and pulls me into a tight hug. "You're gonna be okay. I promise."

"No, Dad, I-"

"Hey. You tell your mom I love her. You tell your siblings I love them. You can do that for me, yeah?" I shake my head. "Tell her yourself." I shove him to the ground, then make a break for the edge. He quickly recovers though, and fires a specialized arrow at the ground near me. The small explosion sends me away from the edge, disoriented. I look at him, and he nods. He runs for the edge and jumps. "Dad!"

Aunt Natasha has taught me a lot, and I always use that to my advantage. I get up and jump after him. In seconds, I've landed on his back, and clipped a grappling hook to him. I fire it to the side of the cliff, and we stop harshly. He looks mortified as he realizes what I've done. He's crying, near sobbing, holding onto my wrist so tightly it hurts. "You're gonna be okay." I repeat. "(Y/n), no."

"Let go, Dad. I'll be okay."

"No, (Y/n)! I will never let go. Never. You're my little girl, I need to protect you. I can't let you do this. I will never ever let go. Dad goes first, not you." I'm scared. I can't pretend I'm not, but I can't give him more time to come up with a plan. I can't let him die. "Mom needs you. Layla and the boys, they need me. I need you. I can't live in a world without you, Dad. The world needs heroes like you. I'm sorry. I love you." I kick off the side of the cliff so I fall from his grip. He screams as I fall faster and faster. I feel at peace the farther down I go. My dad is going to save the universe.

Third Person P.O.V.

When Clint woke with that stone his hand he wanted to pretend it was all a bad dream. He cried and screamed, hoping he'd wake up and see his daughter there. See his family. He was angry and heartbroken. No parent should have to watch their child die. He couldn't get the image of her bloody body out of his head.

When Clint returned to his present time, Natasha was the first to greet him. She quickly noticed the grim look on his face. "Where's (Y/n)?" He didn't have to say anything for her to understand. He broke down in front of his friend, in front of all his former teammates. No matter how much he cared for these people, none of them could understand the pain he felt. He needed this to work, he needed Thanos to pay. "She was only seventeen." He sobbed out.

When he received that call from Laura, he was elated. But only for a moment. He quickly remembered he had to tell her about the death of their firstborn. He thought of the pain she and his remaining kids would have to feel, the same he felt. When Clint finally got to see his family, when he finally told them the story, they all heals each other. There was now a hole in their family. She had so much more life to live, so much more to give. He wished with everything in him that he had died instead.

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