{TFATWS x ChildReader}

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This bitch is long and kinda all over, but hope you enjoy anyways lol

Third Person P.O.V.

When Steve went back to the forties, when he went back to Peggy, he left something majorly important behind. Yes, he left the Avengers, yes, he left his oldest friend Bucky, but he also left his ten year old daughter. Steve did his best with her, but he never felt like it was right. He never felt like a proper father. He proved himself right in his wrongdoings. (Y/n) was old enough to know what he did, old enough to feel the pain and betrayal. She didn't bother speaking with him when Sam did. She watched with Bucky as the shield was passed on. She watched the moment of arguing, no doubt about her. And then she ran.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" Bucky tried to call. But (Y/n) kept going. She ran away from scene, unable to keep in the sobs, she ran past the mourners for Tony, past the cabin, into the wooded area. Only after she decided she was safe from prying eyes did she stop at the base of a tree to cry. She curled up in a ball, hiding her face in her knees, and wailed like everything had been lost. To her, it very well had. No mom, no dad, no nothing.

Sam and Bucky went looking, arguing as per usual. They had been searching for a solid hour before they found her. "(Y/n)?" Sam tried carefully, kneeling down next to her. (Y/n) didn't respond. "You can't just run off like that." Sam tried again. Now she looked up, anger on her face. "Why not?! It's not like I've got a dad waiting to scold me for it! Leave me alone!" She shouted. Bucky knelt down as well. "You still scared me. You could have gotten hurt." She glared at him. "I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!"

"Well I do." Bucky snapped back. "No you don't! You just care because you look at me and you see him. You care about him. If you cared about me, you wouldn't have let him go! Leave me alone, both of you! You aren't my family! My family is gone!" Nothing they could say could get through to her. She only spoke to them once more when child services came for her. A simple good bye, and note from her father given to her by Sam. (Y/n) was tempted to throw it out, but decided against it. However, she still didn't read it right away.

After some time in the foster system, (Y/n) quickly realized she'd had to fight for herself from then forward. She she kept running. She ran from every foster home she'd ever been in, and didn't trust a soul. Perhaps that running was the only thing keeping her from being caught by her pursuer for as long as it did. A FlagSmasher named Karli. It wasn't hard to figure out the ties Bucky and Sam had to the outside world, and Karli thought (Y/n) would be the easiest leverage. She was right. When Karli managed to catch up, (Y/n) was alone with no one to miss her.

And it was easy to get Sam's sister, Sarah, to pass the message.

"Karli!" Sam shouted, geared up, prepared for a fight. "You called my sister? That's how we're gonna play this?" He asked. "Sam, I would never hurt her. I just wanted to understand you better. I see you, um, didn't come alone." Karli responded, referring to Bucky. "That's alright, neither did I." Finally she brought (Y/n) into view. "Didn't even bother to try with her, did you? She just ran from home to home." Karli had no intention of hurting (Y/n), she just wanted to hold something against them. Her hands were tied just tight enough to restrict her, but that was all. (Y/n) was scared shitless, tears down her face, futility resisting Karli's grip, wishing her dad hadn't gone away and he was going to save her.

"You have to end this now." Sam told her, hiding his panic. "I don't wanna hurt you. You're just a tool in the regimes I'm looking to destroy. You're not hiding behind a shield. If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless. I was gonna ask you to join me. Or do the world a favor and let me go."

"Neither is an option."

"One has to be, for her sake."

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