Memories 10

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"Devils snare, devils snare....what did professor sprout say? It's liked the dark and damp..."

Harry still struggling to breathe shouted out, "so light a bloody fire!"

Lily smiled at Harry, "well done!"

Everyone patted Harry on the back telling him good job.

"Yes of course, but here's no wood."


Everyone suddenly got what Harry and Ron were talking about earlier and started laughing.

Hermione blushed madly while Harry and Ron were looking at her in amusement.

"Wow Hermione, that's just wow." Gasped Sirius through bits of laughter.

Hermione huffed, "oh just continue on with the stupid memory."

Harry chuckled and continues the memory.

"Oh right!" Hermione whipped out her wand, and muttered something and sent a jet of flames like the ones she had used on snape.

"What makes his even better is that you remembered that you can use a spell to set snape on fire but not plants!" Said Teddy as Hermione slapped him on the arm.

That set off more rounds of laughter.

In a matter of seconds the boys felt the plants tight grip loosen, it unraveled itself from their bodies and they were finally able to pull away and escape.

"Lucky you pay attention in herbology Hermione" said Harry breathing heavily.

"Yeah!" Said Ron, "and lucky Harry doesn't lose his head in a crisis...'there's no wood', honestly."

Sirius snorted, which caused James to snicker, and Remus covered his laugh with a cough.

Lily and Tonks rolled their eyes at their husbands and friends.

"This way." Said Harry as he pointed down a stone passageway.

Sorry for the short chapter I'm in school while I spotted this one... I will probably do another update today on this story and also my Percy Jackson story...
Also if you haven't read my Percy Jackson one please go check that out!

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