Memories 19

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Harry turned towards her offended, "Oy!"

"Oh don't pretend your ideas aren't stupid! They may work out in the end but they are stupid!"

Harry crossed his arms pouting slightly as everyone one else was laughing at the trio.
Harry looked at Ron like he said the sky was red, "what about it?"

"We can fly it to hogwarts of course! We're stuck right? We have to get to school haven't we? Underage wizards are allowed to use magic outside of school if it's a real emergency..."

"But your mom and dad..." said Harry as he tried pushing against the barrier in hope it was just a fluke.

Ginny rolled her eyes,"Harry...apparition...."

"Well how would I know I barely knew how to float a feather at that age."

James and Lily were momentarily saddened at the reminder that Harry grew up in a restrictive environment.

"They know how to apparate! They don't need the car, they just vanish and..POOF! They're home again!"

Harry's panicked feeling did a complete 180 and turned into excitement, "can you fly it!"

Hermione face palmed, " Harry no, I had so much hope for you, I thought you would be sensible."

Harry adopted a horrified look on his face, "why on earth would you assume something like that?"

"No problem," replied Ron, as he wheeled his trolley around to face the exit. "C'mon, let's go. If we hurry we'll be able to follow the Hogwarts Express..."

They marched off through the crowd of muggles giving them confused and judge mental looks. They made their way to the side of the road where the old car was parked.

Ron popped open the trunk with a series of taps from his wand. They heaved their luggage inside and placed Hedwig in the back seat as they made their way to the front seats.

"Check to make sure no one is watching." Said Ron as he started the car up with another series of taps from his wand. Harry stuck his head out of the window, luckily for them they were safe from prying eyes.

Ron pressed a tiny silver button on the dashboard, the car and themselves vanished from sight. Harry could hear the engine and feel the seat rumbling beneath him.

Lily looked at the boys in disbelief, "Boys, please tell me you didn't actually fly that car to Hogwarts."

Harry winced, "okay I won't, also it's going to skip a bit right here."

Ron put his foot on the accelerator and drove them higher into the sky, but as he did the engine began to make a high pitched whining sound.

Harry and Ron exchanged a nervous glance. "She's probably just tired...she's never driven this far before."

They both gave nervous smiles and pretended not to notice the whining growing louder and louder as they kept flying. Stars started blossoming in the ever growing darkness. Harry pulled his sweater back on and tried to ignore the way the car seemed to be slowly dying on them.

Lily covered her eyes, "I can't watch!"

"Not far, not too far now." Ron said nervously as he patted the cars dashboard.

When they flew back beneath the clouds a little while later, they had to squint to try and find the school. "There!" Harry shouted, making Ron jump.

Sillhoutted by the dark horizon they saw the many towers of Hogwarts castle. "C'mon nearly there..." Said Ron as he gave the steering wheel a small shake.

The engine groaned, as narrow strings of smoke made their way out from under the hood. Harry gripped the edges of the seat in fright as they passed over the lake.

The car gave a high whine and a wobble.

"Come on...'' muttered Ron, "almost there...''

They made it over the lake and almost over to the castle when all of a sudden the engine died completely.

Teddy gasped, "did you guys die!"

Harry gave him a deadpan look, "Yes Teddy, the people you see now are ghosts from when we died."

Teddy grumbled angrily and whacked Harry on the arm which earned him a small shove from Harry.

"Uh-Oh," yelled Ron.

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