Memories 1

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Harry and Ginny woke up around the same time and made their way down stairs.

"Good morning everyone." Ginny greeted.

"Morning." Everyone said back.

After everyone ate their  breakfast they started to prepare to watch Harry's memories.

"Harry , dear how early are we going to start, your memories?"

Harry thought about it for a second, "as soon as you want."

"Okay, then as soon as possible." Sirius blurted out receiving a glare from Lily.

Harry nodded and then looked over to Ginny, "okay we can start after Ginny drops the kids off at Percys."

"But daaaaaad." Jamie moaned ,why can't we stay Teddy gets to."

"Teddy gets to stay because he is of age and is able to make his own decisions."

Teddy smiled and stuck his tongue at the other kids who in return rolled their eyes at him. Ginny dropped the kids off quickly and returned with Ron and Hermione on either arm.

Both of them smiled sheepishly, "we er...we wanted to watch your memories as well."

Harry smiled, "I guess if you must..."

Ginny scoffed and walked Harry on the head warning a noise of protest from him and laughter from everyone else.

Harry clapped his hands and started his memories.

"Okay let's start at the train! Is that okay with everyone?"

Everyone nodded in approval except Ginny who stared at him suspiciously.

The scene started...

Harry was struggling to put his trunk up.

"Oi Fred, come over here and help."

The twins helped Harry with his trunk and he quietly thanked them.

Harry wiped the sweat from his forehead, "What's that?" One of the twins said pointing at Harry's scar.

"Blimey, Fred I think thats..."

"Well George I think your right..."

"Of course I am, you are aren't you?"

Harry looked at them confused, "am I what?"

"Harry Potter." They said in unison.

"Oh him...I mean er.. ya that's me." Harry said awkwardly

"Oi Harry I forgot how small you used to be mate." Ron said elbowing Harry in his side.

Earning a slap in the back of the head from Hermione, effectively shutting him up and making everyone laugh at his expense

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