What happened (2)

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Draco sneered and pushed the wand further into Harry's necking causing him to wince.

"Your in no position to be making fun pottah, you see one word I don't like and your dead in an instant."

TW : ⚠️torture⚠️

Everyone slightly stiffened, "does....does he do anything to you?"

Harry looked at his father, "not right here, no." 

James closed his eyes while everyone else either clenched their fists or gritted their teeth. (Just writing the gritting teeth line I can like feel it and I'm grossed out now)

Harry slightly stiffened, "put down the wand Potter, or you will be at the end of the killing curse a fifth time."

Ginny spun around to Harry, "what does he mean fifth!" She shrieked in a very Hermione like fashion.

Harry rubbed his neck and looked around to see everyone looking at him expectantly.

"Well...when I was a baby, fourth year when I dueled Voldemort, when I gave myself up and he technically killed me, then the final battle." He shrugged.

Everyone blinked in shock, "wait...so your telling me when Voldemort told you to give yourself up you did!"

, "er..yes." Just as everyone started shouting at him, "Guys! I had a horcraux in me and the only way to destroy it...was have him kill me." Everyone went silent.

Harry winced as the and dug further into his neck, all of a sudden Phillips fell to the ground stunned.

While Draco was distracted Harry grabbed Draco's arm and twisted it making him drop the wand.

Harry punched Draco in the face and grabbed his own wand getting into fighting stance.

Remus gave Harry a strained smile, "well done Harry."

Harry grinned.

Harry looked around the room quickly to see one auror dueling bellatrix and another dueling fenir.

Pettigrew was on the floor stunned and Draco was getting up from the floor and getting ready to fight Harry.

"You'll regret the Potter!"

"You wish Malfoy."

They started firing spells at eachother, all of a sudden Harry fell to the ground in pain.

Behind him was Bellatrix smililing evilly while casting the crucio curse on him. Draco smirked "not so tough now are you?"

"He wouldn't be so tough if my foot was up his-"

"Yes dear...I think we all know your thoughts on the subject." Mumbled Harry causing Ginny to scold him while everyone else looked at them amused.

Harry clenched his teeth not letting out a single sound, "SCREAM POTTER!" Yelled bellatrix as she amped up the spell. (Idk if you can even do that lol)

Harry let out a pained gasp as his eyes widened slightly in pain.

Ginny, Lily, and Molly all started crying into their husbands chest, Hermione was red with anger as tears streamed down her face.

Ron, Sirius, Arthur, and Remus all clenched their fists and let out pained sounds. (They aren't in pain, what I mean is they are like emotional pain if that makes sense)

Harry was starting to look really pale.

Bellatrix snarled, she stopped the spell and crouched down in front of Harry who was on the floor in pain.

Harry's breathing was ragged, he was bleeding from several places and was in too much pain to try and get up.

Bellatrix cackled and grabbed his chin roughly digging her nails into his skin, causing him to groan.

"Watch it bitch!" Grumbled Ron through clenched teeth.

"Look at you Potter, the savior of the wizard of war about to die."

Ginny gasped and hid her face in Harry's chest.

She let go of his face leaving bruises and nail marks where she had grabbed him and got up, Bellatrix aimed her wand at him and the killing curse shot out of her wand going straight for Harry.

Everyone was pale at this point, Sirius was having trouble breathing and had to sit down.

Lily moved out of James arms and embraced Harry, whether to comfort him or to comfort herself she didn't know.

I am so sorry for making you guys wait so long, I couldn't decide what I wanted to happen...

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