Memories 13

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He stepped forward and the white queen pounced, she struck Ron hard across the head with her stone arm sending her hard across the floor.

Tears welled up in Molly and Arthur's eyes as they watched their son collapse tot he floor. Fred and George stood still with their mouths gaping open as they saw what aphid happened.

Hermione screamed but stayed in place, the white queen dragged Ron to the side. Harry shakily moved three spaces to the left.

The white king took off its crown and threw it at Harry's feet. They had won.


The chessmen bowed, and then departed leaving Harry and Hermione to go to the next passageway.

With one last concerned look at Ron they ran through the door, "what if he's..."

"He'll be alright." Said Harry, "what do you reckon is next."

"We've had sprouts with the devils snare, flitwick probably charmed the keys, McGonagall with the chessmen, that leaves quirrel and snape."

They reached the other door and pushed it open, a nasty smell is what accompanied them. Through watering eyes they saw a troll larger than the one they fought in the bathroom lying on its back.

Everyone let out relieved breaths.

"Thank Merlin...if you had to fight that thing I think I would have a heart attack." Said Sirius.

Harry rolled his eyes, "well you are old enough to get one."

Sirius blinked in shock as his mouth fell open, he tried to give a reply back but couldn't with everyone else laughing at his expense.

James patted Harry on the back, "that's my boy."

Hermione giggled, "I think dealing one troll that year was enough, it was quite lucky we didn't have to."

"I'm glad we don't have to fight that one." Whispered Harry as they carefully stepped around the unconscious troll.

He pulled open the next door, both of them not looking foreword to what could possibly come next. But to their surprise it didn't seem too deadly, in front of them stood a singular table with seven different shaped bottles.

"I'm guessing that's snapes." Said Dora

"Snapes..." said Harry turning towards Hermione, "what to you reckon we have to do."

They stepped over the threshold and immediately a purple fire sprang behind them in the doorway. At the same time a black fire shot up into the doorway leading them forewords.

"Oh Merlin, your trapped!" Exclaimed Teddy panicking slightly.

Harry feeling a bit sorry for him tried to comfort him, "not for long, don't worry."

"Look!" Shouted Hermione as she seized a roll of paper lying near the bottles. Harry looked over her shoulder reading it...

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