Catching Up

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Right now, me, A-cheng, and A-li are having tea in my garden. It's still the same even after two years. "So, when is the wedding, A-li? Do you need help with anything?" I asked with a smile. "Actually, a-nian, could you help me plan the wedding? It will be in spring this year."A-li asked with a sheepish smile. " Ofcourse, A-li," I said with a smile while holding her hand. "You have to tell me though, how did that idiot boy manage to get you to marry him?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He asked me in Gusu actually, we were walking together when we went to the spot where he caught me from falling. He told me it was the first time he felt his heart pounding so quickly." she said while giggling at the last part. "I just shook my head, that jizuan is lucky that A-li is so forgiving and in love with him.

"Let me guess he went on one knee and asked for your hand there?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yes...A-niang, how did you know he went on one knee?"she asked with a slight frown.

"Because I told him to do it if he wants my approval of the marriage,that's the least he could do after all the things he did." I said.

"A-nian..." A-li sighed with an exasperated tone.

"Alright, alright...I'll be nice to him from now on, I suppose I have to stop calling him peacock now shouldn't I?" I teased with a bemused smile.

"That would be much appreciated by A-nian." A-li replied,smiling.

"Alright then." I said.

" Now, A-cheng, I believe you have some explaining to do concerning a certain jade of Lan?" I started while looking at him expectantly.

"There's nothing to talk about A-nian, we just...incompatible, I guess."he said with a shrug, which made me frown because a-cheng rarely hides anything from me and he is clearly hiding something. I sighed then took his hand.

"Alright then, but you know you can come to me for anything right?" I asked him while taking his hand with my other hand. He smiled and nodded. After that we drank tea and talked about what else happened in Lotus Pier while I was away.

Time slipped by and it was time for dinner,so we three walked to the dining room together, still talking about what A-cheng and Wuxian did in Lanling which made me shake my head while holding a laugh.

There we met with Jiang Fengmian, Sanren, A-fei and of course Wuxian. We all give a salute only for me to bow even lower to show respect to the secf leader and his...partner? Anyway, I took my seat beside A-Cheng and A-Fei. We had an awkward silence until Wuxian tried to break the ice. "So, madam Yu, what have you been doing these past 2 years? Any interesting adventures you'd like to tell us?"he asked with a bright smile.

I smirked with mirth in my eyes. "Not anything I'd like to tell you boys before A-li's wedding." I laughed.

Wuxian just looked at a bashful A-Cheng while shaking his head. "What did you tell her?"he asked with a pout.

"Ow, he only told me about that time when you went into the pea... I mean Jin gungzi's bedroom and made all of his robes pink,ahh... and he also told me about how you two almost destroyed a pavillion there, and also...."I went on and on about their mischievousness at Lanling with a bemused smile on my face, from beside me I could tell that A-Fei was holding back his laugh as well.

"You told her about the hair too?? Jiang Cheng..."exclaimed Wuxian with an exaggerated surprised gasp.

"She's...a-nian,"A-Cheng argued timidly and Wuxian decided it was the time to break out into uncontrollable laughter and was followed by A-Fei that by the time they both quieted down, they were sprawled on the floor, clutching their stomachs. I shook my head with a bemused smile and then pinched A-Cheng's now red cheeks. "I suppose something just never change." I said with a slight giggle.

"Alright... let's eat!" said A-li while slightly shaking her head as well. We ate in a slightly more comfortable silence.After dinner I walked with A-fei to my quarters and then he excused himself to his quarters. I went into my bedroom and quickly lift up the loose wood in my floorboard. I took out my journals and put them in a bag that I've prepared and then put the wooden plank to its place again.

I sighed with relief because it doesn't seem to be touched by anyone else since I last saw it.Except maybe a few books that look to be less dusty then the others but that's probably my imagination. I sat on my bed and got ready for bed when I heard a knock on my door. I stood up and opened the door.

There he stood, Jiang Fengmian with a small smile on his face and I felt a small pinch in my heart but then it stopped as soon as it began. I smiled to myself, at least now I know I don't feel like your heart is being squeezed all the time, not like...last time, that's good that means I'm finally getting over him and these 2 years of travelling have successfully dampened my feelings for him.

He looked at me for a while which made me awkward and I got back to my senses. I bowed to him respectfully and said, "Can I help you sect leader Jiang?" I inquired with a monotone but respectful voice. He seemed to get out of his daze too as he stopped me from going lower when I bow by holding my arm.

"No need, my lady."he said automatically.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "I am no longer the lady of Yunmeng Jiang and I am no longer your wife, there is no need for you to call me my lady anymore sect leader Jiang." I stated calmly while still holding my bowing position.

We stayed like that for awhile until I decided to get up and pull my hands from his grasp. "It's late, sect leader Jiang, I believe it's best if we discuss whatever it is that is troubling your mind tomorrow.What do you think, sect leader Jiang?" I asked with a raised eyebrow while crossing my arms and rubbing by elbows as it is cold outside and I forgot to wear my outer robe. He merely nodded and turned around to his wherever his going and then I closed the door.

I walked slowly to bed and sat down. Why do I still feel sparks when he touched me? But then I comforted myself as I've realized it's not as strong as before as right now I only feel a slight tingle when before I feel like I've been electrocuted by zidian. I lay down on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Good,Ziyuan...You're finally moving on..." I whispered to myself and then I drifted of to sleep.

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