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Freya's POV:

Mrs. Burman shuts the door behind us but points to the kitchen. "Let me get some snacks." She says before she walks to the kitchen, leaving us in the living room.

Pat walks over to the bookcase, attempting to pull one of the books but almost as if they were glued together, the entire stack comes off which revealed they were fake.

Pat walks over to the bookcase, attempting to pull one of the books but almost as if they were glued together, the entire stack comes off which revealed they were fake

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"Fake books? What?" Beth whispered in confusion.

"I've never met Cindy's family," I say as I looked around the picture frames, seeing that there were only pictures of her. "so it's weird that they don't have a single photo together."

"What the hell is going on?" Pat whispered before he put the fake books back on the bookcase.

"Would you like a cookie?" Mrs. Burman asked with a smile, holding out a platter of cookies towards us.

"Sure!" Beth immediately answered as she took two from the plate and handed me one.

"She loves cookies." Pat chuckled and Mrs. Burman looks at him, offering the plate but he shook his head. "I'm okay, thank you."

"These are delicious." Beth hummed but I discreetly toss the cookie in the plant.

"You've really got a beautiful house here, Bobbie." Pat complimented as he looked around the living room.

"Thank you. What do you do for a living, Pat?" She asked.

"Well, I'm a mechan--"

"He's a doctor."

Beth and Pat say in unison once more, both of their eyes widening slightly but quickly recovered with a nervous chuckle.

"Um, well, they call me the car doctor. But, uh, what do you do? What about you?" He asked.

"I'm a mother. A homemaker." She answered sweetly. "I used to do other things, but there's nothing as important as raising a child."

Poor lady. I knew, in reality, she was petrified of Cindy and her father. Knowing them, she most likely went through some sort of mental manipulation that forced her to follow the Dragon King and Cindy's orders.

"Oh, tell me about it." Pat chuckled, gesturing to Beth.

"May I trouble you for a glass of water?" Beth sweetly asked.

"Of course." Mrs. Burman nodded before she turned to Pat and I. "Can I get you guys anything?"

"I'm okay, thank you." I decline and Pat nods in agreement.

She places the platter of cookies on the table nearby us and walks back to the kitchen, causing Pat to lean down to Beth. "You got the goggles?" He whispered and she nods. "Take a look and let's go."

Beth hands me her cookies and unzips her backpack to quickly pull out the goggles. She takes off her glasses and puts them inside her bag before putting the goggles over her eyes.

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