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Freya's POV:

I turn towards my mom, watching as she was thrown across the room by Yolanda. I sprint towards her before she could continue her attacks and kick Yolanda's hip, causing her to roll away.

She quickly pushes herself up with a glare but I protectively held my daggers up. "Yolanda," I click the buttons on my gloves which causes it to retract the blades and I innocently held my hands up. "it doesn't have to be like this."

She huffs and lunges to slash her claws on my stomach but I block the attack on time and strike a punch against her stomach. She lets out a grunt as she took a step back but I push her to press her back against the wall. "I don't want to hurt you."

She tries to swing but I catch her wrist and press my arm against her throat. "All you would need to do is get everyone else out of here and leave." I grunt as she fought against my grasp.

"You and I both know that's not going to happen." She remarked. "And it's kind of too late for that."

She flips us around, slamming my head against the wall before her claws retract and swiftly hold me by the throat. "I didn't have a choice." I manage to choke out. "I didn't want Artemis to die."

"But you still had us to help you, Freya. You knew that." She emphasized with a glare, squeezing my throat a bit. "I should hate you for letting you in when you knew that I'm still hurting from before and Henry taught me to forgive and I want to forgive." I try to fight her grasp but she stayed put. "You've had way more opportunities to tell us and I understand why you hesitated. You didn't trust us, but you still can. You have a family here, you have me. You'll always have me."

My eyes softened. "I do?"

Instantly my mom tackles Yolanda from her side, holding her arm up as she held her the side of her face against the floor. "Freya!" My mom scolded as she tossed me one of my ring daggers and it skidded in front of me. "Your real family abandoned you so what makes you think they won't do the same after today? Get out of your head and finish the job."

I grab it from the floor but dizzily walk over to Yolanda with the dagger tightly clutched onto my hand, remembering the painful memory of when I read the documents about my parents.

"I meant what I said, Freya, I promise." She grunted as my mom pulled her arm further, sinking her more into the ground. "Agh—You might've lied about who you are but I know deep down that you were yourself around us. If they were your family, why would they push your limits to go as far as to hurt you? The burns you showed me, that isn't from training. That's from torture."

"Don't listen to her." My mom scolded as she threateningly inched her claws close to Yolanda's throat. "Freya, kill a JSA member and you'll be guaranteed a spot you've been after for years in the ISA. Your destiny."

"Can't you see what's in front of you? This isn't your destiny and you know it." Yolanda pleaded as my eyes flickered between them. "You weren't born to be a part of the ISA, you were born to be Doctor Fate. You're a hero! You're my hero!"

As soon as those three words escaped her lips, a painful ache struck across my head which causes me to stumble forward.

"Freya!" Is the last thing I hear before my surroundings shift into a different setting.

"Stay behind the bus." I hear myself say to Joey, watching as he quickly sat down and leaned his back against the cemented railing. "Are you okay?"

"You...You saved me." He heavily pants with relief.

I hesitantly shake my head, rubbing my hands together to try to keep warm. "Not really. My hand slipped."

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