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Freya's POV:

Mike comes down from the bleachers and rolls his eyes once he sees me. "Oh, god." He groaned as he sat down on the other side of me. "Can't you go with Courtney or something?"

"Can't you take your attitude somewhere else?" I scoff but took note of his posture. "What's up with you, kid?"

"None of your business." He muttered.

"Hey Freya," Mike and I turn to see Pat walk down the bleachers with a tray of snacks from the concession stand. "if I knew you were here, I would've gotten you something too."

I shake my head. "It's alright. My dad would've probably lectured me if he saw me eating from a bag of cotton candy. Devil's snack, remember?"

"Ah, right. He just did the same to me." He chuckled as he looked around the crowd. "Where's Courtney?"

"Don't know, don't care." Mike muttered as he took the paper wrap off the straw.

"Oh, she was talking to Cindy in the--" I turn to point towards where the cheerleaders were but see she was gone. "field." I furrow my brows in confusion. "Well, she was there before."

"She's probably in the bathroom." Mike suggested with a neutral expression. I watch as one of our players attacks the opposite team's player that had the football which causes me to wince at the impact. "You know, you really shouldn't be taking Courtney to these games if she's not even gonna watch them."

That's when it hit me.

I look around for Principal Bowin but see that she wasn't sitting in her original spot anymore. Dammit, Courtney.

"I'll look for her." I say to Pat, seeing his worried expression as he continued to look around. "I think she went after you-know-who." I hint and his eyes slightly widen in shock as I stood up from my spot.

"I'll come with--"

I quickly shake my head. "It shouldn't take long. If I take longer than ten minutes then help me look." I say and he nods before I quickly run up the bleachers.

I push past the people that were hanging around in the back of the bleachers until my eyes trail over to the school doors.

If she went after Principal Bowin, this had to be the place she would follow her into if she went to the tunnels.

I pull open the doors and cautiously look around the darkened empty hallways. However, my eyes trail to the trophy case and see the shattered glass, almost as if someone put their fist into it.

"What the hell?" I whisper.

The sounds of an energy blast go off in the distance which causes me to turn at the sound, seeing flickers of lights coming from the gymnasium.

I slide my hood over my head and adjust my scarf to cover half of my face, in case one of the Injustice Society members were inside.

I mean, I couldn't risk blowing my cover.

I quickly sprint over towards the sounds and push open the doors, my eyes widening at the sight of the destroyed homecoming dance decorations.

Several tables were splintered in half, along with the photo booth enveloped in flames. In the middle of the room was a large man-made record player but on top laid Courtney, who was dressed in her Stargirl costume, as she held her shaky hands up while Cindy stood above with her new staff.

"I so need this today." Cindy panted.

Before she could deliver the killing blow, I sprint towards her and tackle her away, causing us to crash into one of the crates.

Destiny ☆ DC Stargirl • Yolanda Montez (I)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt