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Freya's POV:

"Just keep going straight for two blocks and then make a right." She answered and I nod, following her directions until she pointed to the small two-story house and I carefully lower us by her mailbox.

The lights to the living room were on and Yolanda lets out a sigh. "Here we go again."

She was about to head inside but I quickly speak up. "Uh, Yolanda?"

She turns to face me. "Yeah?"

"I'm—uh, I'm sorry if I acted like a jerk." I nervously scratch the back of my neck. "I'm just not used to...people."

She gave a small smile. "It's okay." She glances back at her house. "It's nothing compared to the silent treatment from my family."

"Do they really get upset if you leave the house?" I ask, slipping off my helmet which caused the suit to disintegrate and reveal my regular clothes. "You can't even go out on a walk?"

She shook her head as we slowly walked to her front door. "The only place I can show my face is at school."

"No offense, but your parents need to get over it." I shake my head with disbelief. "It's been months already. Have you tried talking to them about it?"

"I mean, I tried to ask my mom if I could come over to Courtney's house for dinner yesterday but I could barely get a word out and instead sent me to my room." She crossed her arms with discomfort. "I tried to ask if I could talk to her and my dad alone but...they can barely look me in the eye. Not even my abuela. The only person I really can talk to is my cousin."

"That's the problem, you're asking to talk to them." I move to stand in front of her. "You need to force them to listen to what you have to say." I say, placing my hands on her shoulders.

A look of hesitation crosses her expression. "I don't know, Freya."

"Look, you've been beating yourself up over the fact that you believe it was your fault, but..." I move my hands off . "your parents shouldn't shun you for something that was meant to be between only two people. It's why they call it privacy. He never should have shared them. Admitting your mistakes and vowing to correct them is definitely a step towards change. A step to a better direction. A step towards a new life. After what we did tonight, I know you're capable of anything."

Her eyes soften once I finish talking and she looks behind me at the living room window. I turn as well and see several figures watching a boxing match, seeing that this is the perfect opportunity for her.

"Talk to them, Yolanda." I rasp as I moved out of the way. "Make them listen, no matter how much they try to get you to stay quiet."

She gives a small smile. "I think Courtney's rubbing off on you."

Oh god. "Is it too late to take back my apology?" I mutter which causes her to let out a chuckle. "Good luck." She walks up to the front door then shuts it behind her.

I sneakily crouch down and approach the window, seeing her parents angered expressions as they scolded her.

Thankfully the window was cracked a bit open but I push the window up a bit more so I could hear clearer.

"I need you to really hear me." I hear Yolanda say and I peek over, seeing that she stood in front of their TV. "All of you."

Her parents reluctantly sit down in their spots and shut off the tv, making their attention only to their daughter.

Her parents reluctantly sit down in their spots and shut off the tv, making their attention only to their daughter

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Destiny ☆ DC Stargirl • Yolanda Montez (I)Where stories live. Discover now