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a/n: mwuahaha hahaha HAHAHHAHAHAHA
sorry luvs xoxo y'all are gonna hate Freya for a bit

Freya's POV:

"Now, I believe you owe us information as well?" Henry Sr. spoke up as he and Jordan looked around their meeting room, seeing that their chairs were smashed.

I wipe the tears away before I flip to the first tab I marked to Beth's yearbook picture. "Beth Chapel. She's the new Dr. Mid-Nite but if you separate the goggles from her, she won't pose as an issue. She tends to avoid fights."

"Who's next?" Jordan questioned as he and Brainwave stood on opposite sides of me to get a better look.

I flip to the next marked page for Rick's yearbook picture. "Legally, Richard Harris, but in secrecy and in short, it's Rick Tyler. He's the type that runs headfirst instead of to think logically."

"That's impossible. Grundy killed Rex and his wife." Brainwave scoffed but I shook my head.

"They had a child but his mom changed his last name so that you wouldn't find him. According to the journal that belonged to his father that Pat found, it explains how they were trying to track you guys down but I couldn't read the rest." I continue. "He's the new Hourman if you hadn't guessed. The best way to take him down is to stall him long enough until the hour is up."

"And the last one?" Jordan questioned.

"I..." I trail, feeling the pit of my stomach stir in remembrance of the girl.

"Who's Wildcat?" He urged.

I lock eyes with Brainwave and he gives me a stern expression which causes me to let out a sigh as I flipped to the last page I marked. "Yolanda Montez. She mainly relies on her claws and has similar skills to the previous Wildcat so...I don't know her weaknesses." I mumble, never taking my stares away from Yolanda's yearbook photo. "Maybe try to go for the emotional Henry."

"Excellent." Brainwave closes the yearbook which causes me to look up, seeing as he typed away on his cellphone. "We'll take care of them. Stargirl, her sidekick, and her mother."

"The boy, too. Mike." Jordan cleared his throat. "We can't leave a legacy running around."

"Of course

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"Of course." Dr. King nodded, placing his phone down at the table. "The orders have been given. Sportsmaster and Tigress are preparing."

My eyes widen slightly. "Wait what? Already?"

He nods. "Courtney Whitmore and her family will soon be dead. Dr. Ito is preparing his machine." He explained as he pointed to the monitor that showed the blueprints for the satellites. "When we begin our broadcast, the Gambler will trigger communications blackout across the United States, blinding the Pentagon, routing the attack through Moscow." He expands the screen, showing the blue wave that traveled throughout the United States. "By the time they realize it's coming from within the US, it'll be too late. Amplified by Ito's machine, my powers will extend far beyond Blue Valley. There will be a significant cost to the process."

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