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Freya's POV:

"Anything?" I ask Courtney as we descended the stairwell from 'Cindy's basement'.

"Nope." Courtney sighed before she shoved her phone in her pocket. "Pat's still not answering."

"Should we wait for him? I can head back and see what's going on."

She shook her head. "We can't. Besides, we need all the help we can get so...I just hope he and my mom are okay."

Once all of us reached the bottom, everyone else stared ahead of the tunnels, hesitating whether to take the first step.

"So...who wants to go first?" Beth nervously laughed but took notice of everyone's annoyed state. "Sorry, Freya and I have already been down here before...scary." She shivered but I give her a stern expression that practically said for her to stay quiet.

"Come on." Courtney confidently stepped forward and we cautiously follow behind her.

"Chuck?" I hear Beth whisper to herself before she lets out a groan. "My goggles kind of still work. I mean, I can see, but Chuck keeps cutting off."

"So no info from Chuck and no Cosmic Staff." Rick scoffed as he shook his head with annoyance. "Great."

We turn the next corner but saw that the path split into two different directions.

"What now?" Beth worriedly asked as she looked between the two paths.

In all honesty, I didn't recognize this side of the tunnel at all so I had no idea which way didn't lead to a dead end.

"We gotta split up or else we'll waste more time trying to find their lair." I say and Courtney nods in agreement.

"Yolanda, Rick, and Beth go one way." Courtney pointed to the tunnel in front of us. "Freya, Henry, and I will go the other."

"I'm not leaving you two alone with him." Yolanda argued, walking over to stand near Courtney. "I'm coming with you."

"And given that Brainwave Jr over here can somewhat control his powers and she can barely handle breathing the same air as him without wanting to put him in a chokehold," I speak up, gesturing to Henry and Yolanda

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"And given that Brainwave Jr over here can somewhat control his powers and she can barely handle breathing the same air as him without wanting to put him in a chokehold," I speak up, gesturing to Henry and Yolanda. "It's better if I tag along."

Courtney lets out a huff. "Fine. Us four will go this way, Rick and Beth go that way." Courtney pointed once more. "We do some recon and meet back here in fifteen minutes."

Rick and Beth nod before we start to walk towards our tunnel.

I make sure to walk in the back since Courtney was ahead first which left Henry and Yolanda in the middle.

If Brainwave gets his memories back, what does that mean for me? Does that mean I would still be pretending to be on the JSA's side? I couldn't imagine the aftermath of having my cover blown.

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