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A/N: :)

Freya's POV:

"Hey." I quickly hide my phone under the helmet and turn, seeing as Yolanda shut the door behind her. "Court said you were keeping watch and..." She trails off as she holds up another ice pack. "I thought you would need another."

Dammit, Courtney. "Oh, thanks. There was nothing to do inside and..." I shrug, grabbing the ice pack from her hands before I gestured to the night sky. "it's a nice night to look at the stars."

"Mind if I join you?"

I shake my head. "Not at all." I say and pat on the empty spot next to me on the bench.

She sits down next to me and nervously drums her fingers on her leg. "Beth told me she asked you already but I want you to be honest with me. How do you really feel about your parents?"

"It's...scary." I lie, trying to sound as convincing as possible while I pressed the ice pack against my head. "Finding out that the side we're trying to stop is the side my parents are on? Now that they know who I am, looks like I'll be using the gym as my new place to sleep." I dryly chuckle.

"You're not sleeping in the school." She bumped her shoulder against mine. "I'm pretty sure one of us would let you stay with them."

I shake my head. "Courtney's house is packed already if Justin is staying with them and I don't know if I'm able to stand late-night fun facts with Beth and Chuck." I joke which causes her to laugh. "And if we're being honest, Rick and I can barely stand each other."

"Right, can stay with me? At my place." She offered which caused me to turn to her with shock. "My parents only check my room when I'm at school and before I go to bed so there wouldn't be as much sneaking around."

" that something you're okay with?" I nervously ask.

"I care about you enough where I wouldn't want you to sleep on the streets." She admitted, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. A breeze flows through the trees which causes a shiver to escape from Yolanda's lips. "Jesus, it's cold."

I reach to take off my jacket but instantly I stop, realizing that I had my suit underneath. I clear my throat. "You can head back inside. You don't have to stay--"

"No, no. It's okay." She scoots closer to me so our arms would press together. "I don't want to leave you alone out here."

I raise a brow. "Why? Afraid that I can't take down any of the ISA members?" I tease and playfully nudge her side.

"I lost one friend already..." She looked down at her hands. "I don't want to risk it and lose another."

My heart clenches at her words in remembrance of Henry. "I'm sorry."

She shook her head. "It's okay. I'm just questioning a lot about what happens next. Like...what if we don't stop them? What if one of us doesn't make it? What if..." She trails off before she looks up to meet my eyes, feeling her hand placed on top of mine. "What if I lose you?"

My eyes soften, accidentally looking down at her lips before I look back into her eyes. "I can't promise anything."

"I care about you, Freya." She softly spoke which caused my eyes to slightly widen. "More than I've ever cared about someone in my life and it's terrifying."

The pit of my stomach stirs in discomfort. "Why?"

"At first it was just the gratitude about how you and Courtney became friends with me." She nervously picked at her fingers. "But as we got closer as teammates and experienced what we have to fight against to save Blue Valley, I was terrified for everyone's safety but somehow, you kept popping up into my mind. I don't know why but suddenly my hands get clammy, I rethink what I want to say whenever we talk, somehow easily bonding over our deep conversations, just all of these other weird stuff." She trails off before she shook her head. "I don't know if I should even be feeling this way so I'm still trying to figure it out but I think what this is—is that I think I have feelings for you, Freya."

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