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Freya's POV:

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I recognized the ringtone, quickly putting it against my ear. "Hello?"

"I hope you have some updates about her." Icicle spoke with slight annoyance in his tone. "Or else the deal is off."

"Relax, will you?" I scoff and look out the window, watching as we drove past the dozens of trees. "She's just researching more into what you can do."

"Is that so?" I hear something move in the background. "Then I guess I have to show her." The line clicks and I move my phone away from my ear before I shoved my phone in my pocket.

"Freya, did you send me the video?" Beth excitedly asked from the aisle next to mine.

"Like I told you a million times and right before we left," I sarcastically smile. "I sent it when we got on the bus."

"Nice. I can't wait for my parents to see." Beth turns to Joey who was sitting next to her. "Honestly, I think you should have won first place, Joey."

"I'm good with third, Beth." Joey assured with a confident smile, adjusting his posture as the bus got on the bridge. "I feel something. Like, my magic's getting stronger."

"How?" I ask with a scoff.

He shrugged. "I don't know. Call it a gut feeling." He answered with a smile.

"What the hell?" The bus driver exclaims which causes us to look forward, seeing the entire road coated in ice.

The brakes of the bus screech but the vehicle harshly swerves back and forth, causing Joey to fall off his seat along with the screams of terror from everyone else.

The side of the bus scrapes against the cemented wall, causing it to stop but the bus threateningly hung off the edge.

I watch as Joey begins to slide towards the back but I quickly dive and grab his hand, tightly clutching onto the seat and his hand so he wouldn't slam on the end of the bus.

"Crap, crap, crap!" Joey panicked along with the rest of the students on the bus.

"Quit squirming, Joey!" I grunted, using all of my might to hold him.

Suddenly, a ringing sound echoed inside my head, causing me to cry out in pain as it got louder.

I closed my eyes but instead of being met with complete darkness, I saw the sight of the bus slowly began to tip further and further to the edge.

However, I lifted my hand a bit, watching as the bus slowly tried to rise which caused my eyes to widen.

I try to lift my hand higher but felt the weight on my hand get heavier which made it harder to move.

I grunt, trying to force it to stay in place as it tried to sink further, but my surroundings began to darken.

"No, no, no." I frantically whisper and try to force it up, but instantly my vision switches back to where I was inside the bus, still clutching onto Joey's hand.

"Freya, I-I think I'm--" I feel my hand begin to slip from the seat. "Freya!"

My hand slips from the seat and instantly Joey and I slam on the back of the bus, practically giving the vehicle the final push over the edge.

The height of the water started to decrease until suddenly, Pat's robot comes into view as he holds the bus upward.

I sigh in relief but I look to Joey, seeing the frightened expression as he locked eyes with the red-eyed robot.

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