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Freya's POV:

"Hey," I jump but see Artemis standing behind me with a small smile. "Sorry, didn't mean to spook you."

"It's fine." I clear my throat, bringing the books closer to my chest as I shut my locker. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to check in with you. Ever since the homecoming game you've been...distant." She explained with a solemn expression. "Did I do something?"

My eyes widen and I quickly shake my head. "No, no. There's just some personal stuff I'm going through at the moment."

She cautiously looks around before she lowered her voice. "Is it the nightmares again?" She whispered.

My posture stiffens. For a while now I stopped taking down notes each time I woke up since I was occupied with other things.

I guess I sort of gave up on it.

She places a hand on my shoulder, breaking me from my thoughts. "You can't ignore it forever, Freya. You know you can talk to me about this stuff, right?"

"I know but I-I've been busy." I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck. "With school and training at the gym."

"Oh, well I was thinking that maybe you're having these dreams is to show you something. Maybe like some deep meaning to life, I guess."

I shrug before I close my locker. "Who knows." I mutter as I walked next to Artemis towards our next class.

"So when am I gonna meet the rest of your friends?" She nudged my side with a smile. "I mean, you managed to befriend the guy that practically hates everyone. That's gotta say something."

"I wouldn't say we're friends." I corrected. "We just tolerate each other in the group."

"Still. Judging from when Yolanda came over, I can see a difference compared to how you were before."

I raise a brow. "And what's that?"

"Before you used to have these layers of steel-type walls for so long but now they're's like something made them crumble down." She explained, making us pause in our steps. "But there's just that one layer that's refusing to back down."

I nervously drum my fingers on my binder. "If it comes to choosing between something you've been passionate about for so long versus the people you care about, what would you choose?"

She tilts her head to the side. "It depends. Would this thing you're passionate about benefit you in the future?" Before I could answer, the warning bell rings in the halls which causes her to let out a huff. "I should get going but hey, we should hang out after school! Mom and Dad are going out again so we can binge-watch Netflix and eat junk food without them knowing about it. Like old times?"

I give a small smile. "Sounds fun."

"Nice. Catch ya later, Freya." She says before she walks off in a different direction, leaving me to my thoughts.

゜✭·.···. *˚·゚✧*·゚*˚·゚✧

"Hey." I greet Yolanda, Beth, and Rick once I sit down at the lunch table.

"Hi, Freya." Beth spoke up as Rick simply nodded but Yolanda just picked at her salad with a fork.

I turn to Yolanda and place a hand on her knee which causes her to look down at my hand. "If you ever want to talk," I whisper with a small smile. "I'm here for you."

She looks up to meet my eyes. "Thanks."

Someone takes a seat on the empty chair next to me and I turn, seeing the solemn expression on Courtney's face.

Destiny ☆ DC Stargirl • Yolanda Montez (I)Where stories live. Discover now