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A/N: inching closer and closer to the last chapter!!

Freya's POV:

I nod before I sprint out of the room and run up the stairs that led to the roof, seeing that the door was already wide open. There were flashes of a flickering bright golden light which caused me to squint.

"I won't let you stop me!" I hear Jordan shout.

Once I reached the top, I turn the corner and see Jordan pressed Courtney against the railing as his hands were clasped on her head while Pat protectively stood in front of Barbara.

I yank off my helmet and click the button on my hands, instantly unsheathing the dagger and I rush towards the two. I wrap my arms around his throat and plunge the dagger on his abdomen which caused him to stumble back and release his hold on Courtney.

He flips my body over, releasing my grips on his throat as he slammed my back on the floor.

I quickly stand to my feet, seeing as he ripped the dagger off of his side which showed the damage wasn't as severe as I hoped. "Years ago, you took away the only family I had left and made me believe I was abandoned." I growl as I protectively stood in front of Courtney and her parents. "I'm not letting you take away another."

I aimed my hands towards him and they instantly shoot out bursts of energy but he quickly retaliates, shooting out the surges of ice.

"You think they'll want you after this?" He shouted, the impact of both of our blasts forcing him to take several steps back. "All we've ever done for you is to make sure your destiny was for the project but now, you're just a traitor to the JSA. That's all you'll ever be known for. I'm making sure the country will know my name. That I saved America!"

My eyes trail to the edge, seeing as we were inching closer and closer to the edge.

I wasn't wearing my helmet which meant that if we fell, I couldn't rely on my flight abilities since it only worked with the suit.

I glance behind me and see the worried expressions on Courtney, Pat, and Barbara's faces until it finally hit me.

Before I met Courtney and her friends, every action I questioned would always be whether it would put Artemis in danger or not, despite the feelings I had of never feeling good enough. Now that I met them, they managed to increase the circle of people I care about.

That's what my destiny should be. My destiny has to be to protect the people I care about, no matter the circumstances. Even if it means my life is at risk, I'll be glad knowing that they get to continue instead of me.

Especially for what I did to them.

I shake my head, ridding the thoughts, and locked eyes with him once more with a glare. "Then I'll be glad I died as a traitor for the JSA."

I wrap my arms around him, feeling the agonizing pricks of ice travel across from my arms to my spine but the energy from my blasts collide with his, creating a shockwave that sent us over the railing and releases the grips we had on each other.

I wrap my arms around him, feeling the agonizing pricks of ice travel across from my arms to my spine but the energy from my blasts collide with his, creating a shockwave that sent us over the railing and releases the grips we had on each other

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