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A/N: a small backstory of Freya for y'all :D


Freya's POV:

"Let go of me!" I grunt, trying to fight off my 'parents' grips as they dragged me through the underground tunnels that led to the ISA headquarters. "I'm not gonna let you brainwash me again!"

"I wouldn't call it brainwashing. I'd call it—what would you call it, sweetie?" Sportsmaster questioned.

"Rearranging some memories and correcting the mistakes." Tigress answered.

"That's brainwashing!" I scold. "You lied to me for--"

"Ten years! Yeah, yeah, yeah, we heard it before." He groaned in annoyance. "We're terrible parents, you'll get your revenge, and blah blah blah blah blah."

They throw me inside the headquarters room and I fall flat on my stomach with a grunt. I lift my head, instantly locking eyes with Principal Bowin, Mr. Sharpe, Mayor Zarrick, and Dr. King seeing as they were circled around me.

I try to push myself up but instantly I feel a force move my arms to my sides and slowly lift me to stand on my feet. An ear-piercing ring echoes through my head which causes me to let out a cry of pain.

"She's growing stronger." Dr. King informed as he examined me. "It's becoming easier for her to recover her memories...I'm guessing her powers are starting to form."

"Can't you just erase the memory of her finding out the truth? I don't understand why all of us need to be here." Mr. Sharpe scoffed in annoyance.

"Because this is the third meltdown this month. We need to come up with a better plan if we want her to stay on course without suspicion." Sportsmaster answered as he annoyingly gestured to me. "She found articles of the night we killed the JSA and figured out that we weren't her real parents."

"I knew I should've taken her in as my daughter because clearly you two bozos don't know the first thing about keeping things from the past hidden from your family." Principal Bowin crossed her arms. "Let alone, parenting."

"We're raising our actual daughter pretty well if I do say so myself." Tigress countered with a huff. "She can snap your kid in half like a twig."

"Enough." Mayor Zarrick sternly scolded, causing them to stay silent. "Brainwave, is there any way you can prevent her from remembering her father?"

"I've never tried it before, but I could put a mind block that I could only take away and it will prevent her mind from remembering the truth of the past. The downside is telling her each of our identities but her main motivation would be to make sure the project succeeds." He explains which causes my eyes to widen. "Maybe destroy medical records."

"Are there any side effects?" Principal Bowin curiously asked.

"She'll have trouble with her nightmares about that night but the mind block should prevent her to look deeper."

"All that oppose to the plan, say aye." Mayor Zarrick suggested as he looked around the room but nobody spoke up. "I see...start the experiment."

"No, no, no, no. Let me go!" I cry out and try to wriggle free as Dr. King moved me closer to him.

"It's pointless to fight. This would all be over soon." He whispered as he lowered me, forcing me to sit on my knees and walked around so he would stand behind me. "This won't hurt a bit."

The next thing I knew, he presses his thumb in the middle of my forehead while the rest of his fingers laid on the side of my head. He uses his other hand to squeeze my shoulder and instantly my vision turned white.

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