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A/N: the gif is from optimistic-stargirl on tumgir!! Not me!!

Freya's POV:

"Sometimes I question how your mind works." I say, seeing that we were walking what seemed like the woods. "Like, doesn't this feel weird to you at all?"

"What does?" Courtney asks, making sure we were at a good distance from Rick.

"We're following someone again. This time, I'm pretty sure he'd be pissed if he sees us." I gesture to him.

"I am pissed." He harshly stated once he stopped at a tree that had a large chunk of its bark scraped off. "Why are you following me?"

"We need to talk to you." Courtney answered as she placed the duffel bag on the floor with a grunt. He tries to go around us but I step in front of him so he doesn't move. "Wait, we just need to show you something, okay? It's hard to explain, but..." She holds out the hourglass necklace to him. "look at this."

His eyes land on the hourglass that wasn't glowing anymore with an unamused expression. "It's an hourglass. So what?"

"So, it was lighting up before when you were nearby." I tried to explain.

Courtney takes a couple of steps forward and holds it close to his chest but it still didn't glow. "Something's wrong."

"Yeah, something's wrong. You should stay on your meds." He retorted before he walked around us and continued to walk down the road.

" He retorted before he walked around us and continued to walk down the road

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"Great. We scared him off." I say as I grab the hourglass from her hand. "All because this stupid thing decided to not glow anymore."

Courtney lets out a sigh. "Let's just head to my house."

After an endless amount of trekking back the way we came from and towards the direction of Courtney's place, we eventually made it back within the hour.

As Courtney unlocks the door with her keys, my eyes widen at the pumpkins with several knives lodged inside. "Uh...I can tell your family likes Halloween" I trail off and Courtney shook her head with annoyance.

"It's probably Mike." She muttered before she pushed open the door, a younger boy walks past us with another pumpkin with knives stabbed through its head.

"Sharp objects coming through." The kid, who I assumed to be Mike, grunted as he walked around us, placing the pumpkin next to the other ones. "Say hello to the family."

"You're a disturbed little man." Courtney spoke with disgust.

"I appreciate it. Uh, I think your friend's upstairs." Mike said as he spun the pumpkin to face forward.

Courtney and I share a look of confusion. "Did you invite Yolanda over?" I ask.

"No, did you?" She asked but I shook my head. "Oh god."

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