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Alright besties, this chapter is SPICY yasss! omg ok lets do it. 


You felt a wave of relief when Jimin understood exactly what you had wanted without even saying it. He was so kind. You felt like he had changed a little since he had arrived. At first, it felt like all of his charm was a default setting of his. None of it actually genuine. He didn't even know you, after all. How could he be truthful with his flirtatious comments without even haven spoken a word to you. But now when you spoke to him everything felt different. Although there was definitely romantic tension between the two of you, you spoke more like close friends than potential lovers. It was nice.

After Jimin left to find Yoongi, your stomach churned more than you thought it would. You realized the last time you had spoken to him was after he had played the piano for you. You had thought you were going to kiss but then he pulled away. You cringed internally at the memory, then felt miserable when you replayed the scene after. You called his name, asking why he was so hot and cold. Him restating the fact that he would never love you. Your heart ached even now. A dull yet crippling hurt right in your core that made you feel sick with an unidentified emotion. Rejection wasn't the word. More like heartbreak.

The suspense of awaiting Yoongi's arrival made you feel queasy, but also excited. But what if he didn't come? The embarrassment you would feel would be unbearable. Could you face him at the winter festival tomorrow? If he didn't come tonight would he even attend the festivities? Would you ever see him again?

Your thoughts were interrupted by a quiet knock at the door. You sat up, a rush of adrenaline giving your heart two extra beats per second. "Come in," you called.

The door creaked open slightly and he stepped in. Your mouth couldn't help but twist upwards when you made eye contact with him. He was just as handsome as you remembered. And now he was here with you alone. It made your blood pump faster through your body and exhilaration course through your veins. "Thank you for coming, Yoongi."

He seemed hesitant to come forward. "Of course, princess."

You smiled a bit more. He seemed... flustered. His facial expression didn't boast his usual emotionless and uninterested look. Now it was a jumbled mix of concern, nervousness, and relief. It was cute. You'd never seen him like this before.

He stood close to the door, but you longed for him to be closer

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He stood close to the door, but you longed for him to be closer. "Will you sit next to me?" You asked in a light voice.

With a nod, and hints of an evasive gaze, he approached you. You swung your legs off the couch and made room for him. He sat down next to you, facing the fire. The two of you were quiet. It wasn't awkward because although you were silent, there was so much to talk about. It was almost like there was too much to say to even start speaking. You both silently searched for the place to start. You felt like it would only be natural if you started the conversation with a thank you for saving your life, so you opened your mouth to speak. He spoke before you, though, catching you off guard.

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