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y/n POV

The Southern Kingdom was welcoming enough to you and your friends. Naturally, they were quite pleased to see their princess returned safely, and it warmed your heart seeing the way her older brother, the soon to be king, embraced her with teary eyes. Isabella seemed happy to be home, and even happier Taehyung was there with her.

The Southern King's council was hesitant to invite in two princesses and several nobles from a kingdom that they had very recently been at odds with, but Isabella spoke with her brother, filling his head with promises of peace and alliances and mutually beneficial futures. Soon, you were all given visitor chambers and told to stay as long as you wished.

You had spoken with the council and Isabella's father and brother the day after you arrived, telling them of your parent's passing and the coup on the castle. Most importantly, though, you told them of your desire to reclaim your throne as soon as possible. They were understanding, and willing to help in any way. The king was extremely distant, but that was to be expected as he did try to have you assassinated after all, but the prince, Isabella's older brother, who would soon take the throne after his particularly old father's death, was just as she had described. He was kind, empathetic, and smart. He would make an amazing king and ally.

Plans to retake your kingdom were thrown about, edited, discarded, brainstormed, and constantly buzzing through council meetings and discretely during any other times your ear was available. None stuck, though. It was frustrating and seemingly impossible to deal with, but you knew with the help of the Southern Kingdom and your remarkable friends, you would be able to find a way.

Rumors also flitted their way through the palace as word of civil unrest in your kingdom arrived. People were rejecting the Min councilor as their new ruler despite the unsatisfaction with the last monarchs. It would seem that nobles who had visited your court during the time you were to choose a husband spoke for your honor, integrity, and goodness. It was the hot button topic around your kingdom that the heir to the throne would be a just ruler, unlike her parents. It also helped that a local noble boy would have been chosen to be king, making the people under your rule feel more represented.

The Southern King said this was a very good thing. That the coup may have been just what you needed to reset your people's opinions of their ruler, and make way for a new age of prosperity, led by you of course.

The Southern Kingdom was beautiful, just as Isabella had recounted occasionally when she appeared to be homesick. Over half of the kingdom boasted sprawling beaches and warm waters. As you rode through the land on your journey there, Isabella explained that because it was winter, the climate was temperate, but in the summers, it would be hot enough to bake your skin to a dark shade. Flowers bloomed even in the coldest parts of winter, but the nights there would still warrant a shawl or cloak.

Life at their court was so upbeat and bustling. There were always new people arriving with new stories and new personalities. You took note and knew that you wanted to model your castle life after how they lived theirs.

You also found much more free time to spend with the people you actually wanted to see. Turns out when you're not playing the part of a perused princess, a lot of your schedule opens up. You found that you began to not be able to count how many times you had laughed in a day, which wasn't a normal occurrence back during your days in your own kingdom. Seeing all your friends so happy and truly themselves brought copious amounts of joy to you. Spending time with Isabella and Noor made you forget your problems and remember what it was like to have fun.

Seeing Namjoon, Jimin, Hobi, Taehyung and Jin around the castle made your mind happy but seeing Yoongi made your heart happy. You often played lawn games with Hobi and Jimin, while you typically sat with Taehyung and Namjoon for afternoon tea as they made great conversation.

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