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y/n POV

You stand there, motionless. It feels as if even the pumping of your blood has stilled and the flutter of your eyelids every second or so has stopped. Your eyes burn from their tears and adrenaline still made you shake. Your eyes were burned on the body of Lord Min, Yoongi still on the floor kneeling over him.

Everything was so unexpected, but in the same kind of odd way you felt fear and safety with Yoongi, everything was oh so expected at the same time. You had imagined the dagger stabbing into your heart. You had imagined death, even expected it, but of course Yoongi would never hurt you. He had told you that so many times it almost felt like a prayer in your mind.

You realized some of Yoongi's words had not been addressed to you. The part of his speech that had confused you; the part about finding someone he loved more. They were not directed towards you, but instead about you. You were the one he had found who he loved more than his father. The plan that his father had formulated to take the throne, had put Yoongi in the perfect position to meet and fall in love with you. Lord's Min plan was perfectly created, the only thing, the most dangerous thing, that was not taken into consideration was love.

You realized Yoongi had not lied when he said he loved you. He loved you more than the power he and his father sought. He loved you more than riches and gold, more than royalty, more than a castle, and more than a crown. The evidence was right in front of you. Evidence in the form of his father's body surround by a dark maroon pool of his blood.

Silence hung in the air, air that was thick like mud but lacked the oxygen your lungs needed in the moment. Suddenly, a hand on your waist. You gasped, the first noise you had made in the moments since Lord Min's murder. It was Jin.

His face was pale, and he had an expression you could imagine was similar to your own. Utter shock, surprise, relief, but also fear.

"I-I don't understand," Jin stuttered quietly.

You watched as Yoongi's back lifted and fell with a deep sigh. A moment after, he rose from the ground, his hands still holding the now crimson dagger and pants painted red, proving to you his crime was real. This was all real. Yoongi looked back at you and Jin. The tip of his nose still red, but his tears had dried.

Although no water welled in his eyes, his face was still sorrowful to say the least. His despairing eyes went to you first. His look seemed pained. His voice was a touch hoarse, but he still spoke.

"I'm so sorry, y/n," he uttered.

Yoongi approached you, and Jin's first reaction was to step in front of you in protection. Yoongi paused for a moment and looked down at himself. He dropped the dagger he held and for the second time that day it clattered to the ground at his feet. He wiped the blood from his hands on his shirt, staining it thoughtlessly. He looked to Jin with pleading eyes and was about to say something, but you spoke first.

"It's alright Jin."

"Funny, that's what you said right before he was about to kill you," Jin growled to you, keeping his dark stare in contact with Yoongi's.

"He saved my life. He betrayed his father for us. He's on our side. He won't hurt me," you retaliated.

"I'd never hurt her," Yoongi added, as if he had read your mind earlier. "Killing her was never even in the question for me. I just needed my father to drop his guard. I'm sorry I scared you, but I was never, ever a threat to her safety."

You saw Jin relax his shoulders slightly. "I've never trusted you," Jin muttered as he moved slightly to the side, leaving you open for Yoongi. "And I still don't trust you. But for whatever godforsaken reason, y/n does and I..." Jin stopped, trailing off as if debating whether he should continue.

Yoongi's eyes narrowed. "Say it," he challenged.

You saw Jin's cheek twitch, but then he straightened his posture. "I love her," Jin said bluntly.

Yoongi clenched his jaw and nodded slightly. "Well, find your trust in me knowing that we have that in common."

Yoongi's gaze then switched from Jin to you, and his eyes softened. He stepped forward and pulled you into a hug. His arms clung around your waist. You were surprised by the action and didn't react immediately, but after a second you reciprocated the affection.

Yoongi pulled back and scanned your face. "Forgive me, please. I know I frightened you, but please remember I'd only ever lay a finger on you with love, never to cause you harm."

You soaked in his words like sunlight. Your gut feelings had been right. Everything else had told you not to trust Yoongi, but your heart had told you otherwise. But when he spoke those words, you believed him with every fiber of your being.

Your eyes, for just a moment, looked beyond Yoongi's enamored face, and saw the empty end of the hall. You then remembered what you had all forgotten.

"The Councilor," you stated in a panic. "He's gone."

"Shit," Yoongi murmured. "I forgot."

You looked to Jin as he swallowed hard. "He'll be going to get soldiers. You may have killed the head of this operation, but there are still men who will fight for the power your father fought for,"

Yoongi pushed his hair out of his face. "The Councilor will try and step up in place of my father. He will try and take the throne in his absence."

"We're still not safe," you realized aloud.

Yoongi's head turned to yours, his hand slowly wrapping around your own. "No, we're not."

There was silence for a moment, as you all collectively caught your breaths. The windows on the wall grabbed your attention. It was dark out, but on the horizon the sky faded into navy instead of black. Tiny, white flurries raced towards the ground, dusting the grass with snow. It reminded you how cold it would be once you made it outside. The sun would soon rise, though, and with it you could expect more enemies, more fighting, more death. You needed to get out of here, if there was any hope at all of reclaiming your throne.

Then, suddenly, just as your nerves had begun to settle, you heard approaching footsteps echoing in from around the corner. 

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