Chapter three: The Black lake

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"Cause space was just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close"

-Nick Jonas


You are worth it.

I value your life.

Don't give in to the voice inside your head.



Valencia's eyes watched the older kids pass by her without a second glance, as it all came natural to them. The traffic flow in the hallways was much worse than she could've imagined, every time someone larger than her would come by, she would be pushed and shoved, it was nearly impossible to see through and find your destination as a first year.

The corridors, she had learned, were typically populated by variations of different students, most often you'd see a Slytherin in the corner, not having the intention of actually making it to class. Other times, not quite as frequent, but still happening, other kids would roam the halls for two reasons- they are completely lost and have no idea of where to go, or they never planned on going anyway.

She was just an innocent child at this point, she wanted to attend class, I mean, it wasn't ideal for her to miss her first day. She tried her hardest, with her small figure, to make it through, but no matter where she stood, what paths she took, or whom she tried to speak to, nobody would guide her the way. At least, she thought they wouldn't.

Kids at Hogwarts, especially if you are a first year, are the opposite of friendly. Despite the scolding from the headmaster, the rules and regulations professor's preach to follow, the new kids were treated poorly. If you were younger, it did not matter the family name, the blood status, you were less than the older kids. Everyone knew it.

Eventually, as the hallways began to clear, she set into panic, she couldn't be late on her first day, she had to make it on time. Her head lifted to look at the clock, five minutes until class began and she was marked absent. That is when she became anxious, and suddenly, being at Hogwarts didn't seem so appealing anymore. Suddenly, she wished to return home to her mother, even if she didn't treat her correctly. It was better than the hell hole she had willingly stepped into.

How mental could she be? to come into such a delicate situation with an open-mind, thinking she could take the place by storm and people would be lining up to be her friend. It was the childlike mind, they didn't see the worst in people until they experience it first hand, and that is the day that they realize not everything is perfect like it was back home.

Valencia was so close to crying, so close to collapsing in the floor from the constant panic running through her mind, she needed an escape, she needed to leave, she didn't belong there. She had to return home to her mom, she had to take care of her when she came home drunk, she had to, would else was there?

She walked swiftly toward the exit, somehow thinking she could return home and not have to worry about getting ran over in the halls. She could return back home to her mom, and spend her days getting yelled at for the little things she accidentally did like; throw a clean shirt  in the washer, drop a glass, getting mud on her shirt, the little things that seriously made her mom tick the wrong way.

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